I had a root canal once...

Yes, I had a root canal once in which the dentist couldn't successfully deaden the tooth. But he had no choice but to continue the process. I suffered horribly for about the same amount of time that it took to run this "movie" (or whatever one calls it - - docudrama, inverted fantasy, farce, ripe Limburger, bad joke...) If given the choice between re-watching this abomination before God or the root canal, I'd gladly redo the root canal. There's no way I can be specific as to what I didn't like about it simply because I wouldn't know where to start. No wonder they were being occupied; if the French didn't possess such a sparkling body of cinematic genius, I'd figure they deserved it. I'm giving a shout-out here to the Nazis: Please send this thing to a concentration camp and gas it, then burn it in an oven. Please.


Why should anyone care about your opinion? I dont get why you needed to post such idiotic trash.


I enjoyed this post. I share some of the same sentiment. I'm glad I watched it, but there were several times it just stalled. It's probably a very good depiction of life in a police state.

Is there an equivalent film based in postwar East Germany or maybe even Francoist Spain?
