A question for fans. (SOLVED)

I'm currently downloading the series. In the beginning of each episode shows a slate with the episode number. However, the numbers don't go in order. For example the first episode says it's episode 2 and the second episode says it's episode 1. Is this on purpose or is the site I'm getting it from all out of whack?


It doesn't matter, really, there's never any plot and most episodes are just unrelated sketches. The only reason to watch whole episodes instead of randomized sketches is that a few episodes have running gags.


I'm aware, but I just like to watch the episodes in order they way they intended even if makes no difference.


I've been a Python fan for decades now, and I have to say this is the first time I've ever heard anyone worry about episode order.

All I can say is good luck in getting them straight, because while I'm not exactly immersed in the fandom, I don't know how much help other fans are going to be.


Are you looking for an argument ?


I found another site to download it from. There's no slate into he beginning, but I believe this is the right order.


Because this is Abuse. Argument is down the corridor third door on the left.


No it isn't!


Stupid git!


No, I am.


You're supposed to buy the official box set!
Order is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Monty_Python%27s_Flying_Circus_episodes
Unless the torrent says DVD or BluRay it's probably a hack job.


I ain't buying nothing. I bought "Snatch" 3 times because because they choose to create new formats every few years. I'm done giving my money just to own something for a few years so they can take more money again in the future.
