When the Brady's went camping and The Grand Canyon some kids sat in the back, the middle and Cindy sat in the front between the mother and father. There's no seat belts. Nowadays parents could get arrested for that. The Brady's would have to bring two cars.
There's no need to refer to it as a "sissy helmet". Kids should be encouraged to wear them. They have saved some from head injuries.
You are putting others in danger of harming you in an accident. They may not forgive themselves if you received serious harm even if the accident wasn't their fault.
There's no need to refer to it as a "sissy helmet".
Ha ha. I just laughed and laughed when I saw "sissy helmet". Back when rollerblades came out (gee, in the early 1990's?) I bought myself a pair so I could learn how to skate. Naturally, I got all the protective gear- wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads. And of course----the helmet.
My father saw me getting ready and said, "You're going out like that?" (Proving that this comment is not only uttered by mothers disapproving of their daughter's attire.)
He thought I looked like a total geek. Like I was a kid who had to go to school in a special bus. I threw all the gear into my car and drove to a parking lot to learn to skate so I wouldn't embarrass him.
But only an idiot skates or bikes without a helmet. If they don't wear a helmet, well-- yes, the herd is being thinned of its idiots.
I know people who would be dead or vegetables today were it not for their helmets.
___________________________________ Never say never...
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That though is the point. Kids did used to feel, some still do, that they looked geeky wearing such things. It's taken a long time for them to be considered the norm. There's no reason now to destroy the progress. Numerous serious injuries have surely been avoided.
All American cars were required to have a lap and shoulder belt by 1968.
True, but not everyone wore them.
Nobody used them till the law mandated it in 1984 for the front seat passengers.
Definitely not the case in my family. We were in a very bad accident while NOT wearing seatbelts, when I was really young, and from that point forward we ALWAYS wore seatbelts. That's how we raised our daughter, too, and now her kids (still in child seats) are being raised.
I always shake my head in disbelief when I see people on TV not wearing seatbelts, because they should be setting an example by doing the right thing.
Or pack everyone into a minivan or SUV. But to be fair, Mr. Philips would have probably let Mike use his decked-out RV. No need to tow a camper.
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I heard they made nine person station wagons back then. Three rows of seats. You always saw Cindy in front with Mike and Carol. I think 3 kids in the middle seat and two kids and Alice in the back.
In some models of station wagon the last row of seats faced the rear of the car, tailgunner-style. I and my siblings and friends liked to sit there and make faces and (polite) gestures at the drivers of the cars idling behind us at stoplights.
Tydyed I'm with you I am almost 55 ride my bike daily WILL NOT wear a helmet...been riding bikes since 1965 and haven't had any brain damage yet. As for bad food choices well we were more active than kids today I live near a high school and have never seen so many fat kids. They toddle across the street to 7-Eleven after school get a slurpee and nachos then toddle back home to sit their butt in front of a computer while in my day I was riding my bike all over town and being active. It's a scale some things were better then a few now everything shifts and nothing ever stays the same.
There were indeed station wagons that could seat nine adults. The Buick Roadmaster was one. I think the Chevy equivalent was called the ... something estate wagon.
Today, of course, a family the size of the Bradys would have a minivan, or possibly an extended cab van, that could hold nine people and all their stuff.
I agreed with everything you said until you start the liberal bs...politicians had NOTHING to do with society changing. It is the brain dead public that makes shows like the Kardashians a hit when good TV shows disappear because people with a little on the ball don't watch them. The trouble with people like you is you want to blame who is in office for every malady on the planet when in reality it is the general public that controls that. Go watch the TV news and look at the idiots they interview walking down the street or the morons that sit on juries and let people like O.J. get away with murder...not politicians but stupid people like you!
But rick is right. Politicians have much to do with society changing. There was no such thing as 'child abuse' back then, it was discipline. and kids were better for it. There was still an unsure grey line as to whether a wife getting battered was abuse or just that, discipline. many parents of the eighties were children of the fifties and that is what they knew so that is what they did.
and if you want to sound smart, then you should get into the habit of writing and saying 'morons WHO sit on juries' and such.
and i hate to break it to you... but who picks the juries? who even assigns people to do jury duty??? not "stupid people like Rick" but judges and lawyers. so moot on that. any more geniusness we need from you????