MovieChat Forums > Yellow Submarine (1968) Discussion > How do we stop Robert Zemeckis from rema...

How do we stop Robert Zemeckis from remaking it?

Please, this is a cry for help, a call to arms! We must try to stop this film from being made!

Does anyone know a way for the public to get involved in this? Is there any way to write to Disney or to Robert himself? Even any the remaining Beatles?

Whatever your reason may be for wanting to put a wrench in the works of this deal, let's work together and stop this!


What difference does it make? The Beatles didn't write the script. The Beatles didn't even do their own voices. In a sense the original is really a remake.


I don't see how it could be remade since it is such a piece of it's time. That said I am curious to see if Zemickis make can it as psychedelic as the original. But there are some strange things here...and it has to do with the name Disney. Disney was upset that this Yellow Submarinr eclipsed The Jungle Book in terms of box office in 1968, and it also showed how behind the times Disney was. Disney as an organization always wanted to have a monopoly on the world of animation. They were outdone by King Features and United Artists with this hip trippy film that was good for Adults, kids, and stoned hippies. Walt had just died, but Walt himself would get upset when another studio eclipsed him. So the Disney organization looked in their vaults to see if they had anything like Yellow Submarine, and in 1969 they rereleased Fantasia as a psychedelic release. And now many years later Disney is going to do their own Yellow Submarine film, with Zemickis. I find it strange that they are taking something now and they are going to call it their own.


All the more reason for them to f-ck it up, which I'm certain they're going to do, being Disney. Being Disney, the least of the butchering will probably be the plot and the message, which'll be changed so they can be commercially viable. Sad to say, as much as I believe in YS's original message, "Love conquers all" will likely be deemed not commercially viable by Disney, as it's a scoffed at notion in our present greed-driven society. I could go on about this all day.

"Let the f-ckers work that one out."-John Lennon


Whats the hate for DISNEY? It's *beep* its really only their live action films that suck.

"Listen, do you smell something?"
Ray Stanz-Ghostbusters


That they're a great big corporation is the problem, to drastically oversimplify. Oh, and Walt himself was a member of the American Nazi Party.

"Let the f-ckers work that one out."-John Lennon



"Listen, do you smell something?"
Ray Stanz-Ghostbusters

reply Walt was not a Nazi (he may have been anti semetic, but many Americans were durring his time. Its how the WWI generation of children were brought up due to their Isolationist parents.) "Corperations" are the basis of the modern American entertainment industry and at the end of the day you have to be made of stone to hate Disney completely. Its true, many of their live action films due suck, but you cannot deny the influence the company has had on cinema, animation in perticular. And as for the fact that it is a remake: so what? If you don't want to see it, don't see it. But you're not going to stop Zemeckis from making it just because you and your little Dogme 95 sense of the world don't like it. Just because it's a remake doesn't mean it will be bad. And if it is, who cares? Its just a movie. The Blue Meanies aren't going to come and destroy all the love in the universe just because a crappy movie was released. And if they do, we have the digitally remastered Beatles CDS to compat them with, so no harm done

Alice Army

My Mother says To Get Things Done You Better Not Mess with Major Tom


Well, Walt himself turned a number of his employees over to the Un-American Activities committee, presumably to get himself off the hook. At which point I lost all regard for him.

Doubt we can stop Disney/Zemeckis from remaking it. Can only hinder them from profiting, don't pay to see it.

Myself, I find CGI completely soulless. Threedee, schmeedee. I wouldn't care if it was SIX dee. Waste of popcorn.


The reason it bothers me is because the original was a quirky little fun piece that just seemed to fit the quirky personality of the Beatles - yes even though they had very little involvement in it.

I've seem Zemeckis's motion capture pieces and, quite frankly, I don't like them at all. They have their moments, but on the whole I got the feeling that they were technology driven. It was like the director spent the movie going "Look at these cool visuals! Look at these cool visuals!" while the stories themselves were a bit weak (Beuwulf was just a mess to me and I agree with the Nostalgia Critic on Polar Express - it just seemed to try to hard to be a Christmas movie with the Traditional Song, Traditional Scary Moment, etc). For me, I loved the bizarre and surreal humor to Yellow Submarine, which just was almost one huge Big Lipped Alligator Moment after another, while everyone took it in stride. If that is pulled off again, bless the remake. I really can't help but worry that it's not, however.

Also, I really loved the bright 2D animated stuff. It almost reminded me of Terry Gilliam's animations for Monty Python and the psychedelic images fit in with the concept of the Beatles. It just really bothers me that someone would go "you know what this needs? To look more realistic!" It's just like...missing the point.


Agreed, fosthoff! It's insane that Robert Zemeckis is adding all the digitalized stuff in order to remake and really, the story has to be solid and good enough for people to understand what's going on.


1. Tie him to a chair in a dark theater.
2. Show edited cut of Star Wars on repeat until he realizes that some classics shouldn't be tampered with.

"Speak softly and carry a sakabatou."


Hmmm, I like it.

"Let the f-ckers work that one out."-John Lennon


Just pretend it doesn't exist, like I intend to. It's probably gonna get made, and if it does, it's probably gonna make a lot of money. Deal with it.

I mean really, Hollywood is so bereft of new ideas and so in love with technology that EVERYTHING's gonna be remade eventually. Can't wait for that "Howard The Duck" remake! Er, sorry: "re-imagining". (Is this really happening, or did I just dream it?)


that "Howard The Duck" remake! Er, sorry: "re-imagining". (Is this really happening, or did I just dream it?)

not sure and don't quote me on this......but i think you musta dreamt this one up.......cause i can't find anything about it on IMDB


Re: How do we stop Robert Zemeckis from remaking it?

why does it matter if it's remade or not? I mean if you hate the idea of it being remade THAT much....just don't acknowledge it. Ignore it and continue with the orignal.

I would atleast give it a chance though, I mean who knows you might even LIKE it.Zemeckis did lots of other great movies. Back To The Future 1-3, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Cast Away, Forrest Gump, Beowulf, The Polar Express. Not to mention severial episodes of Tales From The Crypt.


Exactly, "Wolf1880"

"Instant Karma's gonna get you"


Agreed with Wolf1880. I didnt care for the original and I probably wont care for the remake. Who really cares?? Its a flipping cartoon. So what. Its not the end of the world. Do you lovers of the original really spend that much time watching the original??? I doubt it. Its not even a good film.


I didnt care for the original and I probably wont care for the remake.

Then why are you here? This is at least your third post in this tiresome vein.

Who really cares??

Quite a few people, judging from the replies to this topic.

Its a flipping cartoon. So what. Its not the end of the world.

Tip: learn the difference between "it's" and "its". Your posts come across as the product of a semi-literate.

Do you lovers of the original really spend that much time watching the original???

Do you haters of the original really spend that much time trolling on this board? Again, why do you even bother showing up here?

I doubt it. Its not even a good film.

In your opinion, troll. (I notice you don't bother to cite anything to support that opinion.) Here's an idea: Why don't you devote your time to visiting the MB of a movie you like? Better yet, stay off these boards until you learn the proper use of apostrophes.


Zemeckis should remake both Back to the Future and Yellow Submarine at the same time. Marty can go back into the past to prevent John and Yoko from ever getting together.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


YAY!!! He's not touchign it any more.. Although only because his studio has failed due to recent low box office returns, nothing to do with knowing that you can't remake a classic.

All it needs is a touch up and total re-release at the cinema.. I would go see it again, after a couple drinks!
