I am SO against this.
I liked the realism of the buildings and environments in Zemeckis' 2 CGI films, Polar Express and Beowolf but the Faces in both lacked real expressions.
The original perfectly captured the time and place it was created it, hand drawings and trippy colors just "feel" like the 60s. Sure they could do it more advanced, more elaborate but it just wouldn't have the cartoonish- graphitti feel the original had. Polar Express and Beowulf's characters felt like wax statues with cold dead eyes, and motion captured movement feels too real, and lacks the magic that 2D animators have spent a century developing.
I've seen The Beatles ROCKBAND game and its pretty good... but even it doesn't capture the life and facial expressions that 2D does. And while CG is great in capturing semi realistic sci fi and action, it simply isnt any...... fun. IF They could somehow use CG to create cartoon characters that look like the characters from SHREK or TOY STORY... maybe....
I wouldn't mind a SEQUEL, if it captures that same hand drawn Heinz Edelman feel. Most of it still holds up (the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds scene was and is an ugly dreadful rotoscoped nightmare, BUT Nowhere Man is STILL A beautiful masterpiece- that spinning album turning into that tunnel of colors is forever a delight to the eye.)
Maybe have the gang get in the sub again for a NEW adventure- and interpret different songs than that were in the original.