MovieChat Forums > Rachel, Rachel (1968) Discussion > This Board is why I hate the Internet

This Board is why I hate the Internet

I really liked this movie. I found it affecting and melancholy. But as with all such things, I tend to stumble across on these internet boards, there's always some person, (guy, girl, teenager?) who just needs to make some smart ass crack about movies for which they were never the intended audience. I don't go to the boards for the Chris Farley movies and complain about how *stupid* the humor is, why do they come to these board to ask whether this has to do with a Seinfeld schtick?


If you hate it, why are you on it?



If it makes you feel any better, 'Rachel, Rachel' is one of my favorite films. When I first saw it, I was overwhelmed by Woodward's brilliant, understated performance and Newman's thoughtful direction. Don't listen to the bitchy people who post nothing but negative stuff. Take it with a grain of salt. :)


I agree... I am troubled by how negative many people are today, but I'm afraid we are going to have to deal with more and more of it. Message boards by their very nature will continue to bring out the silly fighting over opinions. What a shame...


Negativity is the only the way some people interact with their fellow human beings. It is troubling, but it isn't new. Read the Bible; read history. Lots of people are haters, and one of the chief pleasures of haters is to get a rise out of the rest of us.


i don't see how that person's post was a "smart ass crack" -- i think the person was simply curious if a seinfeld bit (possibly a parody - i don't know the bit to which he referred) was influenced by this movie


I think a statement like "This Board is why I hate the internet" says much more about the writer of it than about the internet. That other person's question was completely valid. (Seinfeld referenced a fictional movie called "Rochelle, Rochelle," an obvious - and at the same time, obscure - reference to Rachel, Rachel. Beyond that, unfortunately, I can't answer that person's question - which is why I didn't.)

Next time somebody pisses you off, encantopark, maybe you can respond to him directly through/on his own Post. You have effectively dissed the other participants here and managed to (potentially) exclude the very person who made you "hate." But it's true that there are a lot of people addicted to "hanging out on" the internet and this breeds the very thing you described, albeit, I think, erroneously in this case.

In the spirit of a certain lyric from the musical Avenue Q, tweaked here for my own purposes, "the internet is FOR hating."

I'm done. Thanks.




As in life, as in this board and everywhere: There are many shallow people.

I enjoyed this movie. Very subtle, sensitive and intelligent.


Hey, does this have to do with a strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk? hahahaha.

Stiffs like you need to leave the internet and all of us alone.



Well... it only took two-and-a-half years to clear this up! Thanks, Chuck! :)


This board is why I LOVE LOVE LOVE the internet.


To the original poster: DAMN! You'd better develop a thicker skin, Honey, or the modern age is going to eat you alive.

I TOTALLY agree with what you're saying about them being dumb, but you go on the Net you're going to run into some people you don't like, just like real life, and unfortunately many on the Net are emboldened by their anonymity to be idiots.

Can't you think of it like humoring a mentally challenged person, as I do?

Now take a Valium or something. It's just a movie and it's just a complete stranger to you.


It's hard to take people on these boards seriously, as arguments generally end with someone being told to commit suicide. As soon as someone says that, they've lost.


I've been told to commit suicide so many times that I now feel immortal.

There are many reasons to hate the Internet -- "w00t," "lolz" and "2 Girls 1 Cup" spring to mind immediately -- but this board is not one of them. And if fans of this movie are also fans of "Seinfeld," I've found yet another reason to live. W00t!


Ha ha...join the club. I can't remember how many times I've been told to kill myself. And it's always by somebody claiming I'm "narrow minded, racist, living in the past, etc." Basically they hate me because I refuse to join the ranks of the politically correct army I don't think exactly like they do. That's why the REALLY hate me.
