Yes! Well done, old chap! Nice and cataphasial — like a porcupine during winter harvest - - the season of yielding - -
burrowing deep into grandma's featherbed and such before the sun reaches the dew pt. of reference on that cold winter's eve.
Much of your translating is surprisingly accurate, though it's not, and never can be, a perfect mathematical equivalency:
English: Japanese:
(2×3)-4 = 2
Of all famous Japanese grumblers, Mifune ranks 2nd only to Shingo Katori of SMAP×SMAP fame. Toshiro's incidental mumbles
and grumbles in this film are, on occasion, worth knowing. To Lee, or rather to himself regarding this most annoying Lee,
Toshiro mumblegrums the following:
"So you say! And so you've said before! I heard less (¿bitching?) from my wife during our wedding (¿sleep?)"