Rate your Favorite Hammer Dracs!

1 The Horror of Dracula
2 Dracula: Prince of Darkness
3 Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
4 Taste the Blood of Dracula
5 The Brides of Dracula
6 Dracula AD 1972
7 The Scars of Dracula
8 The Legend of thwe Seven Golden Vampires
9 The Satanic Rites of Dracula

"There's my buttercup!"


1. The Brides of Dracula
2. The Horror of Dracula
3. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
4. Kiss of the vampire (no Dracula, but one of my favourite hammer vampire movies)
5. Taste the blood of Dracula
6. Dracula has risen from the grave
7. Dracula AD 1972
8. The Scars of Dracula
9. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires
10. The Satanic Rites of Dracula


1. The Horror of Dracula
2. Dracula AD 1972
3. Scars of Dracula
4. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
5. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
6. Taste the Blood of Dracula
7. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires
8. The Satanic Rights of Dracula

I haven't seen The Brides of Dracula yet. Each of the films are favorites except the last two. I like them but they are not on par with the rest of them.


1. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
2. Scars of Dracula
3. Horror of Dracula
4. Brides of Dracula
5. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
6. Dracula A.D. 1972
7. Taste the Blood of Dracula
8. The Satanic Rites of Dracula

I haven't seen The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires yet but I plan to watch it very soon.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


1. Horror of Dracula
2. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
3. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
4. Taste the Blood of Dracula
5. Scars of Dracula
6. Brides of Dracula
7. Dracula A.D. 1972
8. The Satanic Rites of Dracula
9. Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires



1. Dracula has Risen from the Grave
2. Dracula Prince of Darkness
3. Brides of Dracula
4. Scars of Dracula
5. Horror of Dracula
6. Taste the Blood of Dracula
7. Satanic Rites of Dracula
8. Dracula A.D.

never actually seen Seven Golden Vampires.....


1.The Brides of Dracula (Brilliant film)
2. Dracula (I mean that´s the original name, not Horror of!) (Almost as terrific)
3. Scars of Dracula (Probably my favorite of sequels)
4. Taste the blood of Dracula
5. Dracula Prince of darkness and Dracula has risen from the grave
7. Dracula AD 1972
8. Satanic rites and The Legend of Seven Golden Vampires

I also love Kiss of the Vampire, Karnstein trilogy and Vampire Circus, and Countess Dracula is very good, too.


My rankings have changed quite a bit since my last post. Some of the sequels have really grown on me a lot. Now I'd rank them like this:

1. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave
2. Scars of Dracula
3. Dracula A.D. 1972
4. Taste the Blood of Dracula
5. Brides of Dracula
6. Horror of Dracula
7. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
8. The Satanic Rites of Dracula
9. Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires


I've yet to watch them all but for now it is as follows;

1. Horror of Dracula
2. Dracula: Prince of Darkness
3. Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
4. The Brides of Dracula
5. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires

Not that much between them though, I've found the series consitent thus far.
- Horror of Dracula wins out due to the Lee & Cushing combo plus the simplicity of the original Dracula story. It's a solid simple tale.
- Prince of Darkness is good fun, I like the location, the characters (in particular the Counts butler/servant and Barbara Shelley, she's one of my favorite Hammer Girls.)
- Dracula Has Risen from the Grave has good production values, plenty of babes and is a solid story. Strong entry.
- Brides is a very good film but loses out a little due to no Christopher Lee. In truth I'm in need of a rewatch of this one.
- Seven Golden Vampires was alright, the kung-fu vibe is less prefered than the typical gothic horror of the others. Hence it's placement.


1. The Brides of Dracula
2. (Horror of) Dracula
3. Dracula: Prince of Darkness

4. Dracula Has Risen From the Grave

5. Taste the Blood of Dracula

6. The Satanic Rites of Dracula

7. Dracula AD 1972
8. The Scars of Dracula
9. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires


Not a bad ranking.

Here's my current ranking;

1. Taste the Blood of Dracula (1970)
2. Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968)
3. Dracula (1958)
4. Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)
5. Scars of Dracula (1970)
6. The Brides of Dracula (1960)
7. Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972)
8. The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)
9. The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)

I'm defintely due a rewatch of The Brides of Dracula. I've gravitated towards some of the later Dracula releases. I think I'm getting a bit bored of the original Stoker story given I've seen so many damn renditions of it over the years, Hammers 1958 rendition being one of the best of course.


I see we both agree on the placing of The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires! 😂

I rewatched The Brides of Dracula just a couple of weeks ago. The only minus point for me really is that it's missing Lee, but saying that I think David Peel does a great job as Meinster. It's a shame things worked out for him as they did but they were different times. I understand he went on to be a pretty successful fine art and antiques dealer. Sad that he died so relatively young.
