similar movies?

hi can anyone recommend similar movies, that are epic, on a grand scale, with mystery elements (not necessarily sci-fi)

I watched this high, and its sort of relaxing, like watching a painting come to life, moments of silence, moments of classical music, and the psychedelic wormhole at the end, it felt like I was going through it also.

thank you.


I waited a while before giving my list.
(Not necessarily science fiction doesn't work for me with 2001. As Countdown wrote; a person may as well just watch all of Kubrick's other movies from Strangelove onward.)

So, I'm going to stick with SF.
Kubrick is not only one of the greatest film directors but to me 2001 is one of the all time greatest films.

* SF space travel movies which try to copy bits of the visual style of 2001, which have a slower pace, are not action or horror movies. All clearly inferior to it imo. Chronological order.
1. Silent Running
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
3. 2010
4. Mission to Mars
5. Europa Report
6. Interstellar

* SF space travel movies which are hybrids; some slower moments that are visually influenced by 2001 combined with horror/action.
Chronological order. Again inferior to 2001 imo.

1. Sunshine
2. Prometheus

(A very good SF horror hybrid movie which has a few slower artsy space travel moments like 2001 is "Alien".)

* SF movies which do not have the same visual style of 2001 but which are also rated highly by international critics and which have some philosophical depth. Chronological order;

1. Solaris (Tarkovsky)
2. Blade Runner

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


Waking Life would probably be very interesting to you, it deals with consciousness and perception and is shot in an interesting rotoscope method which the director used again in his adaptation of Phillip k Dicks novel
Scanner Darkly which also would probably be a good viewing Experience while stoned.


Tree of Life is probably my favorite film to watch back to back with 2001, especially if I hit a spot where I'm maybe questioning my overall philosophical outlook. Do either answer those questions? Nope, however, I do tend to find myself in some serious retrospective thinking.


There are no similar movies. 2001 is unique, in a class by itself. It is the greatest film of all time imho.


None of these compare to 2001 in epic and scale but if you want to get high again & see a similar flick and go on a nice trip, I'd recommend:

1. The Andromeda Strain 1971
2. Altered States
3. West world 1973
4. 2010


There are none imho. 2001 stands alone. It is unique. There has never been a film like it, and there never will be.
It is by all practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.


"Dave, my mind is going."
