" "At any street corner we may meet a man who utters the frantic and blasphemous statement that he may be wrong. Every day one comes across somebody who says that of course his view may not be the right one. Of course his view must be the right one, or it is not his view"---Gilbert Keith Chesterton
What gets lost in today's naĂŻve, cynical and dark (postmodern) times are the crucial distinctions between belief, disbelief (belief in its negative mode, belief at a distance, self-deluding belief, the dominant mode of today's belief, especially among Liberalism, both neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism, the form of belief of the pseudo-atheist) and unbelief (non-belief, the most radical position of all, the most difficult, a position that ostensible 'atheists' shy away from ... this was Nietzsche's primary warning in all his main works, that though 'God is dead', everyone continues to believe, but now are totally unaware that they do, are smug zombies). Near-everyone today is a 'dis-believer', the laziest position of all to be in, the most duped of stances, as it is a position of not believing in anything while at the same time continuing to DO it, to do what they claim not to believe in ie that still believe but are unable to acknowledge it, unable to admit it, unable to confess that they still believe, instead adopting an aura of distance from it all ('ironic distanciation'). Here, 'atheism' is a pseudo-atheism, this subject now oblivious - unconscious - of their true beliefs, ending up claiming that they don't believe in anything that the do, in anything that they spend their entire lives doing. Why would they do this, why would they do things that they don't supposedly 'believe' in? Are they mad? Blind Robots? Mindless Zombies? Well ... we might wonder. Not quite, though, because it is this very air of distance, this sense of 'it's all just a game', that it's not to be taken seriously, that nothing should be taken seriously, that you should retain a 'healthy distance', a minimal remove, a fetishistic disavowal, that tragically ENABLES the conformism, the submission to the belief (the denied belief, the disavowed or repressed belief/desire/truth). The end result of such a stance is a nightmare world in which people deny doing what they are actually doing even as they are doing it eg "But I don't BELIEVE!!! I have no beliefs! So I don't believe in what I'm doing and therefore it doesn't really matter. Just ignore it! ... Even a serial killer can here be excused ("But I don't believe that I'm a serial killer! Just because you see me killing people doesn't mean I'm a serial killer! You must not believe that! Belief is too rigid! Belief is Evil. Don't believe what you see ... but accept what I say as you would the word of God!!!!!" ...
"What one sees today is a kind of "suspended" belief, a belief that can thrive only as not fully (publicly) admitted, as a private obscene secret. This suspended status of our beliefs accounts for the predominant "antidogmatic" stance: one should modestly accept that all our positions are relative, conditioned by contingent historical constellations, so that no one has definitive Solutions, just pragmatic temporary solutions. . . . The falsity of this stance was denounced by Gilbert Keith Chesterton [see quote at start of post]... Is the same falsity not clearly discernible in the rhetoric of many a postmodern deconstructionist? Is their apparently modest relativization of their own position not the mode of appearance of its very opposite, of privileging their own position of enunciation, so that one can effectively claim that the self-relativizing stance is a key ingredient of today's rhetorics of power? Compare the struggle and pain of the "fundamentalist" with the serene peace of the liberal democrat who, from a safe subjective position, ironically dismisses every fully pledged engagement, every "dogmatic" taking sides ...".----Zizek