Favorite scenes?

Personally, I liked that little snippet right after "I Am the Walrus." John plays with the little kid, and then Ringo loses his mind, it's all very wonderful. That's just one of the few, "Hey, I actually know what's going on now" moments of this movie for me, and it's so adorable that I absolutely love it.

"Your Mother Should Know" was pretty good too, although now I can't walk anywhere with that song stuck in my head without having to resist the terrible urge to do that little rhythmish walk thing they did once they reached to bottom of the stairs, where they all point their toes out and sot of swing with each step. (Of course, I can hardly listen to Revolution without doing my stupid little dance when the chorus comes on, too. And "I Me Mine" leads to me waltzing across the room.)


My favorite scenes are right after another. I Am the Walrus then the scene where John's sharing a cute moment with little Nichola.

Any society that would give up liberty to gain security will deserve neither and lose both.


Ringo going crazy on his Aunt, even though you can totally tell he wants to crack up. The I Am the Walrus scene. The Fool on the Hill scene is just so horrible, it's fantastic. Paul trying to act...priceless. Apparently he thinks acting means moving his eyes side to side and spinning? I love them all anyway.

I miss the days when there was only one party I didn’t want to go to.
-Ryan Howard


My most favorite part was with John and Nichola...that was SO SWEET!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


My favourite part was the race with everyone trying to get around on foot and in cars and in little bikes and trucks. That was awesome.

What a difference a day made 24 little hours Bought the sun and the flowers where there used to be rain...


Neil Innes "Elvis-ly" singing "Death Cab for Cutie". For me, the wizard scenes were banal and dumb.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.



I'm sorry, you are correct! *wipes blood from lips and coughs up teeth*

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.
