Worst Beatles Song Ever

The Question is: what would be the Beatles song that never should really have been written?

There should be some criteria first.

Worst early song?

Worst late 60's song?

Worst solo album song?

For early songs the worst could be I Need You, You Like Me Too Much or Hold Me Tight. I shouldn't really choose any early Harrison songs, because he was just practicing song making, but they are not really good songs. 'Hold Me Tight' just don't work: Paul had intended to do a Motown song and probably nobody wanted to co-operate with him.

For later 60's songs there would be Being for the Benefit of Mr.Kite, 'cos it really sounds bad. It's like a nightmare about circus. Or rather if you have a bad flu and try to sleep, and you're dreaming about circus and you have to cough and wipe your nose, and you don't really know whether you're wake or dreaming.

Worst solo album songs for John would be 'Remember' on his first solo album. It's too simple and monotonic. It's so bad that even I could have done better song and lyrics.

Paul's worst song might be 'Average person' on album 'Pipes of Peace'. Paul is master of melodies, but this is silly stuff. Another almost as bad is 'Famous Groupies' on 'London Town'. I remember there is some really odd song on the 'Back to the Egg' album, but luckily I don't recall its name.



Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite is one of my favourites on Sgt. Pepper! I love that song! How dare you critisize it! jk

But really, i love that song


Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite is one of my favourites on Sgt. Pepper! I love that song! How dare you critisize it! jk

But really, i love that song
Everybody is entitled to his own opinion and personally I feel that Mr Kite sounds like drinking puke. I use harder methods when assessing Lennon/McCartney songs because they were by far much better songwriters than Harrison and Starkey. I think the worst Beatles song should therefore be chosen from the ones John and Paul wrote and not from those by George and Ringo.

Play it again, Frank, I don't give a damn.


"I'm going to say Blue Jay Way, but only because it gave me nightmares as a kid." I thought I was the only one in the world that was scared by this song! I would pull the covers over my head when I heard it. Of course I was 6 when Magical Mystery Tour was released and my brother bought it. Riders on the Storm used to scare me too. Was I just a chicken-baby or was there something about the music in these songs that was scary?


You were not a chicken-baby. Jimi Hendrix was afraid of Muddy Waters and later he became like him. It's just cool to get that much out of music.

Play it again, Frank, I don't give a damn.


Truly amazing thread. I have no doubts that you all are Beatles fans. Someone earlier said "if he were going to introduce someone to the Beatles, he wouldn't play...." I think that's a good way for me to approach this question, because I honestly love all the Beatles' songs. Obviously, I like some more than the others, I'm more a late Beatles fan than early Beatles fan, I like their originals more than the covers, I tend to like Paul's stuff more than the others, but ultimately, I like/love all of the Beatle songs.

With the approach that if I were introducing someone to the Beatles, I wouldn't play:
Early Beatles: "Boys" from Please Please Me album
Late Beatles: "Her Majesty" from Abbey Road or "Revolution 9"

In regard to solo stuff, besides Paul, I really don't dig too much of the solo stuff, but I can't stand "I Don't Want to be a Soldier" from John's Imagine. Other solo songs I don't like I don't like equally.


John Lennon once said of, "It's Only Love" --"That's the one song of mine I truly hate."
He said lots of things.
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'Run For Your Life' and 'Wait' were also ones that he didn't really like either.

Play it again, Frank, I don't give a damn.


I don't know 'Wait' but if it's anything like It's Only Love then I hate it, too. I also can't stand You've got to Hide Your Love Away and We Can Work It Out. And I hate that Obladi Blada is a guilty pleasure. I hate that song, but I always sing along- never in public.
I actually like "Run For Your Life" it's a good early rocker despite the taboo subject matter.

We also have to remember that John couldn't stand the sound of his own voice.
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Well, John was sometimes overtly critical towards his own works. They're not so bad. As for Obladi Oblada the Anthology version is just... Horse Feathers (can't get out with better word).

Play it again, Frank, I don't give a damn.



Okay, here we go. Worst Beatles Song? Has to come from this piece of crap called Magical Mystery Tour. The movie is lame, and it's disrispectul for the audience. It doesn't baffle anyone, there's no story... It's as pathetic as "Blue Jay Way", written by George Harrison, who was trying to prove a point: his best material was being left out by the other Beatles.
Worst early song: "I don't want to spoil the party", for some reason it never ends...
Worst solo song: "Be Bop" from Wild Life, by Wings.




hmmm...The single song I ever skip is Yer Blues. It irritates me for some reason.


They are the Beatles..... none of their songs are bad. I can listen to ever song they've ever written and enjoy them all


Well, that is one point of view but it's also a very boring one.

The Apple Scruffs Corps Hon Mbr 05
Chuck Norris expects Spanish inquisition


Anyone who dislikes "Revolution 9" is crazy. "Revolution 9" is absolutely incredible, and still one of the best sound collages I've ever heard.


I agree with namtap1. Revolution 9 is absolutely brilliant. It's an attempt to throw something avant-garde into an already dysfunctional album - which helps it more than it ruins it. It's evidence that John Lennon was not afraid of trying new sounds. It adds colour to the beatles pallet (Spelling?)
Similarly, in 1967 Paul wrote "carnival of light" which went in a the same direction as revolution 9, but the drive didn't last long. Paul was the innovator, but John would be the first to dare put it on a record.

As for the other opinions - well, they are still subjective. Songs like "I need you" and "You like me too much" I really like, as a matter of fact. There is nothing by the beatles I can't stand. Even their early material was excellent (love me do, one after 909). You want disappointing beatles music? Check out live material. A lot of it sounds poor, up until the rooftop concert. That was excellent.


Similarly, in 1967 Paul wrote "carnival of light" which went in a the same direction as revolution 9, but the drive didn't last long.

Does that mean that you have heard 'Carnival of Light'?

The Apple Scruffs Corps Hon Mbr 05
Chuck Norris expects Spanish Inquisition


No dude, I haven't heard it....have you? Where can I get it?


It is unreleased. There was once a fake 1-minute lenght bootleg being circulated but it really had nothing to do with "Carnival of Light". Only few persons have ever heard it.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
Treat Me Like You Did the Night Before



"Why Don't We Do It In The Road"

A song everybody could've done without.


I think Why Don't We Do It In The Road is a great song. Its so simple and straightforward.

The song that really annoys me is Wild Honey Pie. I like the music, but the voices get to me and I can't listen to the whole song.


i can't believe nobody has mentioned this song - no reply. it's simply irritating.


i would have to go with revolution 9

number 9... number 9... number 9... number 9

a rare miss by a great writer


agreed. By far their worst song is Revolution #9.
I dont listen to much before Revolver.


I notice that many people have found Revolution #9 and Wild Honey Pie as the worst pieces. Neither of them is no way brilliant in musical sense and are more based on effects than a cute melody.

Then there's Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da. Some folks do like that song, but it can indeed be a really annoying piece.

On some other thread I selected five worst Beatles songs and after some serious consideration they ended up to be:

1. Tell Me What You See
2. Run For Your Life
3. What's the New Mary Jane?
4. The Anthology Version of 'Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da'
5. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill

The Apple Scruffs Corps Hon Mbr 05
Best things in life are free, except TV


Ob-la-Di is a strange song.......very strange.






I don't like Revolution #9


Revolution #9 is the only one I don't like. I can appreciate that they wanted to experiment, but think that they could have made something so much better of it.

And regarding solo material, John and George did some excellent songs. I can't really make a general comment, as I haven't really heard that much of Ringo or Paul's solo work.


don't like It's Getting Better. sorry. can't stand the line 'I used to cruel to my woman and beat her.' just not Beatle-y to me.



Here's the thing about #9. Its not supposed to be a song. Its just an avant garde collection of sounds.

The Apple Scruffs Corps 06


As I have only just discovered this site it took me nearly an hour to read all the comments....as a fan from 1962 , when i was 12, I dont dislike any Beatle songs, though some I listen to more than others. Revolver is my fave album and the only one I tend to listen to all the way through. Its not that I dislike any songs its just some days there is a particular song that means something special at that time.
The thing is, The beatles were ALWAYS experimenting, so their music is usually split into pre and post Pepper. For me it depends what mood I'm in as to which songs I love the most.and isn't it great that 44 years later we are still analysing and re-evaluating their music.
Ok......so today the tracks i would skip are...
Something and Ticket To Ride........
feel free to disagree


Wow, I feel so alone knowing that so many people hate "Oba-di Obla-dah." I've liked that since I was a kid. Since I had the White Album burned into my head at a very young age, I can't possibly imagine it without every song on there in it's exact place.

But I don't feel that way about the Let It Be album, so I'm going to pick "The Long and Winding Road" for their weakest later songs. It's just a huge downer. I truly love all their silly songs. Things like Why Don't We Do it In the Road? are quite hilarious. So it You Know My Name (Look Up the Number). They were just playing.

As for the early stuff, I love almost all of it--especially the pop songs a lot of people here hate. I don't count the covers as Beatle songs, and I'm going to give George a free pass on this. So, the lamest early Beatles song, I think, is "Love Me Do."


I like Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. I've found myself listening to it alot more in the past two weeks. For some reason. Such as, in addition to being a Beatles addict, I'm a Lost addict, and the best character on that show is Desmond and... ok, I'm going to keep this thread on topic and shut up now.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 06
See you in another life, yeah?


Don't worry, you were enough about on topic. I'm only interested in this only because this is the longest thread I've ever started.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
There ain't no more strawberries, Sir


Well congratulations. I think my longest thread is only about 5 posts long. Oh wait, that Sad State of the Paul Board is like 20 posts, but half of that is you and me talking about if Kid will be mad, and then another quarter is my 1 year at imdb boards anniversary and being a vegetarian, and then a quarter actually on topic.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 06
See you in another life, yeah?


This thread also presents the development of my signature. As for the original topic I think it has been for the most part handled. I've seen similar discussions as well at Myspace and some other forums too.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
Shocked and stunned,
very stunned.


Blue Jay Way...soooo boring. Shame on you, George!


I really hate most of the early '60s covers (ie Taste Of Honey), except for their fantastic take on Twist & Shout.

Don't care for their novelty songs, either, or corny "bar band rave ups" like "What Goes Again," "One After 909," "Act Naturally," or draggy things like "Within You Without You" and "Revolution #9." Also hate overly cutesy-kiddie stuff like "Fixing A Hole."


"Taste of Honey" was Paul's aunt Gin's favourite song and that's the obvious reason why he sang it for Please Please Me album. I don't know how you interpret "Fixing A Hole" as cutesy-kiddie stuff, for me it is only a little colored version of repairing a roof. Paul is singing about the house he had bought about that time he wrote that song. He only gave it some psychedelic handling to make it more "catchy" and less banal.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
thank you very - 2 wives and kid to support


Wow great thread! I was born in '62 but my sisters are 9 and 11 years older. When they got married in the early 70s and moved out they left me their old Beatles and Monkees records, which I soon fell in love with. The White Album is my fave... and how can anybody not like Bungalo bill, the way John says "ayo" as it goes into While My Guitar Gently Weeps. And Julia, easily one of Johns best songs. I love every song on this album and Abbey Road and I'll pick both of these over Sgt. Pepper. But anyways, if I had to pick a least fave song I guess it would be Fool on the Hill. Dunno why but it kinda gets on my nerves. Paul is my fave solo member. Like pretty much all his stuff except maybe Press to Play. Like Johns stuff if you don't count the yokoish-rambling-noise whatever it is. George had some good stuff, but then you kinda get tired of hari-krishna. Ringo..., well, Ringo is Ringo... gotta love him : )



Perhaps because it was included as a feature on a 30 CD box of Magical Sound of Panpipe?


The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05

Piggy in a middle



Well, cool but perhaps I have accustomed to fancy my Beatles in some other way than You Lady...

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05

Piggy in a middle



WELLL... I kinda dislike the early rock'n'roll stuff.. dislike is too strong word..... so I don't like it as MUCH as the later songs... AND I JUST LOVE THE FOOL ON THE HILL!!!! It just gets me here And somebody didn't like being for the benefit of mr kite.. I like that one too... I just LOVE the zany bits.....
YES I don't like these early Love songs.... that's it.... don't really fancy those....
lovely pics there earlyer....

the annoying fish.



Toivottavasti olet suomalainen. Kiva kun kehuit mp:n kuvia. Se on mun pikku kaveri täällä. Aika sattuma kun hänen nimensä lausutaan 'muura' ja sä oot 'muurahainen'.

If you don't know Finnish then forget about this, please.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
I'll do it, but I don't want to go on roof.


i didn't read it all because there's lloottss.
but as for the people that said they didn't like blue jay way, lady madonna, being for the benefit of mr kite etc. etc. well they're just crazy people!!

As for worst song octopus' garden is pretty annoying and the mccartney / wonder song 'ebony and ivory' is laughably bad, but good for that very reason :)



Toivottavasti olet suomalainen. Kiva kun kehuit mp:n kuvia. Se on mun pikku kaveri täällä. Aika sattuma kun hänen nimensä lausutaan 'muura' ja sä oot 'muurahainen'.

If you don't know Finnish then forget about this, please.

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 05
I'll do it, but I don't want to go on roof.

jep suomalainen ollann enkä nyt unoha tätä kyllä ;>

the annoying fish.


-I really hate most of the early '60s covers (ie Taste Of Honey), except for their fantastic take on Twist & Shout.-

Oh, but what about Long Tall Sally? It's freaking nuts, in the best way!
I can sit through Number Nine now, but it really truly bugged me back then.
