Highly Overrated

I saw this for the first time today and I thought it was highly overrated. I understand the violence was groundbreaking in 1967 but aside from that there isn't a whole lot to be impressed with in the film. There is little to no connection between Bonnie and Clyde and I was given absolutely no reason to care about any of the characters. I figured the film would be about the connection between the two characters during their adventure but its about the group of people or the "Barrow gang" I don't know why they even called it Bonnie and Clyde. All of the sudden the gang is on a "crime spree" where they rob what like 3 banks if that? I couldn't have cared less during any of the deaths. It was slow even though it wasn't very long. This movie shouldn't even be put in the same category as great robbery films where the characters have connections like "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Now that is a classic. The only thing that works in this film for me is Faye Dunnaway's beauty and a catchy title.


You make some good points.
I own you.https://goo.gl/0avZjB


Yeah. This movie is overrated as hell. Bit like Psycho. Sure they did something out of "hollywood rules" (cops get shot, "hero" is not a good guy etc.) but that's pretty much it. Only people who still keep praising these are probably some 20yo wannabe movie nerds.
These aren't long movies, but god do they feel like eternity waiting that "shocking" end.


Ah of course, the movie that Roger Ebert called "a milestone in American cinema," that was nominated for ten academy awards, made the AFI list of 100 greatest American films (twice), and continues to be highly rated among ALL AGE GROUPS on IMDb is clearly only remaining in our collective memory because of a few "20yo wannabe movie nerds." Thank you for your incredible insight.

The fact is that this is one of the most revolutionary American films of all time, and one of the first to feature realistic violence and a love story between two anti Heroes. One of the first American films to bring the technique of the French New Wave to Hollywood. Quentin Tarantino wouldn't have a career without this film to pave the way.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


One of the AFI's nods was the line "We rob banks." How is that even close to being a memorable line? Hell, it was said twice during the movie so it's not even a unique line.

You know what else was nominated for a crapton of awards? Titanic. Yeah, that movie isn't a milestone in anything but seeing what DiCaprio USED to act like.


Yeah, just like "I'm walkin' here" or "You talkin' to me?" (Said more than once) Or "Royale with cheese" or "Show me the money" (said more than once) or "I'm King of the World" or "Good times Noodle salad" isn't at all memorable.

that movie isn't a milestone

Yeah, except Breaking box office records, special effects, and being a movie everyone and their grandmother saw. Sure.

seeing what DiCaprio USED to act like.

A hell of a lot better than he does now.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


It's essentially a love story, except that the 2 central characters are also career criminals. All love stories have supporting casts, and why should this movie be any different? The connection between B and C was pretty clear - they were both young, had little in the way of a moral compass, and were eager for excitement. They got it!


This movie flat out sucks. One dimensional characters, a primitive script, and terrible pacing. The film did not age well at all. Beatty and Dunaway were nice to look at.. That's about it.


Well of course it was a primitive script. How else could the writers hope to nab that Oscar nomination?

What a maroon...

This used to be a signature


Right you are.. Because Oscar wins/nominations are the end all be all. That's why Gary Oldman has had one Oscar nomination throughout his whole career. Lol.. Give me an example of a great part of the Bonnie and Clyde script.


Gary Oldman is not a writer. Apples/oranges. And I won't deny that the Academy Awards are a highly political thing, as are most all awards institutions/shows. Note that Benton and Newman were both first-timers; that may well have had something to do with it. Note also: Golden Globes nomination, National Society of Film Critics win, NY Film Critics win, and most telling, Writers Guild of America double win. Nothing I can say about the script could possibly carry that sort of cachet. Plus I haven't seen the film in several years, so would have to hunt it down to watch again. Dim memories, off the top of my head: the intro of the two characters, the comedic sequence with Gene Wilder and his date, and the closing assassination sequence. All superb bits of writing. Damn, now I'm tempted to go hunt that script down, see if it's posted online somewhere. Thanks a lot! 

Btw, my apologies for calling you a maroon. That was a cheap shot and I'm sorry for it. You didn't deserve that. And I, too, am a Gary Oldman fan (ever since "Sid & Nancy"), and can only wonder why only the one Oscar nom so far. I don't know, maybe he's difficult or not well liked, or maybe it's the sorts of characters he tends to play. Personally, I hope he's the kind of guy who doesn't care. He's brilliant regardless, far as I'm concerned.

This used to be a signature


Go play Pokemon

The generation with 30 second attention span

Butch Cassidy? Now I really cannot take this thread seriously.

Go play Pokemon Go & have a nice 30 seconds


Highly overrated if you are 14 years and had to repeat 6th grade twice. Stick to "Walking Dead" & stay off film message boards until yr brain is fried by meth.


Besides you everyone else loved it. Some say it was a masterpiece. Your opinion is your opinion.


Faye Dunaway's always been a good actress. She was fabulous as Bonnie, in the film "Bonnie & Clyde".
