Thanks for trying hard to defend the indefensible. This is not a great movie. It is entertaining, yes, even some suspense, some 'Hitch', like killing Grommek, and some serious plotholes. Also, the older Hitchcock seems to have never bothered about cinematography. Be it the lousy backdrop in Marnie, or the likewise backdrops in here. The various buses starting 10 minutes earlier are ludicrous, just as the whole audience breaking out against some 10 Volkspolizisten because a crazy Yank suddenly yells 'Feuer!', to the lack of basic German on the side of the good professor, and the non-ability to understand the term post office or Postamt. And likewise the nonsense scales further.
And yet, in comparison with a more 'modern' movie, the latter tend to be completely filled with plot holes. :-(
I can recommend this one as a nice past time with little asking for a second view.