MovieChat Forums > The Sand Pebbles (1966) Discussion > I can't stand people my age.

I can't stand people my age.

So, I'm watching The Sand Pebbles one day, and I'm totally engrossed by it, and all of a sudden a couple of my friends show up and want to hang out. I basically told them to **** off, I'm watching a movie. Anyway, I go back to my movie, and they sit down and start watching it with me. For the next hour and a half I have to listen to these two guys bitching about how boring this movie is, and how I never like good movies. So one of them goes to the DVD player and tries to put Happy Gilmore in and I once again have to tell them to **** off. They don't. They just sit there, and tell me how much this movie sucks.

Which brings me to my original point. Why is it that other people my age have no attention span when it comes to movies? It's like they need a movie with either no plot, a ton of CGI, or lots and lots of lame, disgusting jokes to hold their attention. To me, a movie can be over three hours long and still manage to entertain. A movie can have a couple of scenes of nothing but dialogue. A movie can pull off a battle scene with realistic amounts of explosions and fire. A movie doesn't need to go over the top with every single detail in order to hold one's attention.

Maybe this is just a passing thing. Maybe once my friends and I get out of high school we'll all be able to appreciate good movies. But I don't think so. I think that our nation's youth has lost all of it's good taste and intelligence. I don't think that there's a way out of it. A couple of months ago Meet the Spartans was the number one movie in America. In my opinion, this is what politicians should be campaigning about. It's a very pressing issue! I want my president to promise me that he or she will solve this ongoing problem! Am I all alone? Who's with me?

Oh, and I didn't mean to put Happy Gilmore down. I thought it was a fun movie.

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.


In my view, 2001: A Space Odyssey is the greatest film of all time. For many people, 2001 is boring. Why should I criticize those people for being bored by it? I've always found the original Halloween dull. Am I wrong? Of course not. I am neither wrong or right to be bored by Halloween, and others are not wrong or right to be bored by 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Some seem to make too much of their subjective opinions. Many of those who have responded to the OP arrogantly imply that those who don't share their taste in cinema are somehow stupid, or that films are objectively of a lower quality today than in times past. How ridiculous. That a movie entertains you does not mean that it is objectively entertaining and that those are not entertained by it are idiots denying an objective fact. Not enough people seem to appreciate that.


Nevertheless, the OP makes a valid point. I agree with his observation, if it was his intent to make that observation, that the overall attention span of the general public along with their appreciation for sophisticated film exposition has declined greatly over the last two generations. I use "generations" only as a short hand for the time that has lapsed, as in about forty years. I remember both Steven Spielberg and George Lucas discussing in interviews that they were concerned that the revolution in special effects, especially the development of CGI would make writers and directors lazy. They were anxious that the modern capability to create fantastic visuals and phonics with special effects would take away from the desire to create drama. I think their fears have come to pass.

We still see the occasional Oscar nominee or winner that has great dramatic appeal. However, the big money makers are overwhelmingly sensual feasts with insipid plots. I like a roller coaster ride, sometimes. However, I also like someone to come along and make me think now and then.


I agree with some of what you wrote, but there are plenty of small films released every year that may have what you're looking for. I wouldn't expect to see commercials for most of them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist or are nearing extinction. While it is easy to remain unaware of such films if you do not live in a major city such as New York or Los Angeles, most of these movies eventually make their way onto VOD, DVD, BluRay, etc.


I think you are right, also. Film exposition, the development of drama has been pushed downward onto smaller venues. The big 'blockbusters' put out by major sources of funding are predominantly, but not exclusively, designed to appeal to as many people as possible. Plots are kept as a simple framework around which to construct a lot of crash, bang, and boom. Serious explorations of interpersonal and individual internal drama must find its place on the internet, cable, or satellite venues.


What's weird to me is a lot of people won't watch black and white movies. They just can't handle black and white. And if you cut out black and white, you're missing some of the greatest movies of all time. They're missing pretty much ALL of film noir!

Some people are just closed-minded. It's not all the younger ones, but, mostly. But, there are always some out there, like you, who appreciate the older films, and there probably always will be. So, there's hope. :)
