I believe the American public is so use to "Instant Gratification" and do not like to sit around. I grew up in a time when movies like "The Sand Pebbles," "West Side Story," "Ben-Hur," "Lawrence of Arabia," "Sound of Music," "My Fair Lady," "Ten Commandments," "Camelot," "Cleopatra," "Fiddler On The Roof" and some others were met to be shown in theaters twice a day during the week and maybe three times on Saturday and Sunday. You knew you were going to see an Epic when you went to see them, you knew they were going to be long plus it was by reservation only. They were SPECIAL and that is the way they were treated. The theater was full and everyone had fun. They even had programs you could buy about the movie and I still have the ones I got for "My Fair Lady," "Camelot" and "Fiddler On The Roof."