This movie is all about shallow unhealthy relationships. Caught in the middle of all this dysfunction is baby Sara. As a father of four and a pro-lifer, I was sickened by Meredith's referring to Sara as "it" or a "thing". That she "destroyed" two previous babies without telling Jos, is so typical of a far left Liberal who thinks nothing of murdering babies. Also, Jos had no interest in his own child either. It was only Georgy who was willing to take care of Sara, but only by marrying James. The final scene of Georgy holding Sara actually brought tears to my eyes.
This movie is all about shallow unhealthy relationships. Caught in the middle of all this dysfunction is baby Sara. As a father of four and a pro-lifer, I was sickened by Meredith's referring to Sara as "it" or a "thing". That she "destroyed" two previous babies without telling Jos, is so typical of a far left Liberal who thinks nothing of murdering babies. Also, Jos had no interest in his own child either. It was only Georgy who was willing to take care of Sara, but only by marrying James. The final scene of Georgy holding Sara actually brought tears to my eyes.
I realize that I am responding to a four year old post. I also realize that you, the OP obviously may not be around.......
I am so glad that the final scene brought tears to your eyes. I thought it was a nice touch as well.
I enjoy this film for what it is....... the mid sixties was an interesting time......
Noticed that a comment was posted here from the "Trending" list.
I never saw this movie, but I do remember the song on the radio as a kid.
But I do tell you one thing that I really resent is the -ing
s who have to make everything they see that seems bad
or villainous in a movie about typical Liberals, and then stop thinking at that
There are Liberals who are for and against abortion, as well as every other
issue, and the freedom of women not to be told what they have to do with
their own bodies is a very odd thing to be against and then call someone else
immoral or impose their frame of living as thinking nothing of having an
abortion. Conservatives are great at wanting there to be millions of babies
born, but they don't seem to care than most of them are born into single
parent families where the mother must work so much that she is not free
to raise her children properly. Then when she resents the Conservatives
and her children turn out to be problems or wards of the state, the Conservatives
wash their hands of it.
The one constant we see all over the Internet is all the ills of society
blamed on Liberals even though the real facts indicate that when the Liberals
were in charge ... from FDR to about the mid-70's there was less inequality,
the working class were getting educated, the economy was growing and many
things that are now broken were on a trend of improvement.
That is not the case now, so it is pretty much a clue that there are fake commenters
all over the Internet telling us these nonsense digs and insults because the reality
is that by a long-shot Americans approve Liberal programs, the biggest one now has
been Single Payer Health Care in the form of Medicare for all. The idea that when
sincere people look around and see mostly people expressing one viewpoint of
the world echoed over and over they tend to give that much more credence - whether
it deserves it or not - especially since most people don't have the time or resources
to actually investigate the issues, or who it is that is telling them what to think on
said issues.
Instead of trying to rationally discuss the point the group that hides behind the label
Conservative just makes irrational insults about Liberals, yet has no answers for all
the problems they have caused and all the solutions they have blocked.
The point of the movie, which again - I have not seen - seems to be about how when
people have freedom and support they do the right things, and it brings tears to
our eyes when we see how easy things can be ... a classic Liberal idea.
First[/b] , I have seen the movie many times..... the first time was when it came out. I saw it at the theater.
[b]Second[/b], I'm not certain of what you are going on about with the liberals.
For my own part, I couldn't abort a baby but I believe that every woman has the right to do as she wishes. To me it is a very personal thing.
[b]Third[/b], You obviously haven't seen the film. If you had, you would see what the story really had been about.
It's about Georgie! She wants to be loved and married. She wants a child.
She gets the child in the end. It's the child of her flat mate who didn't want the baby.
Georgie had hoped she could have the father of the child but he was an irresponsible loafer. She wound up with the rich older man who had wanted her as his mistress. He married her in the end.
The point of the story was that this young ugly duckling ended up getting what she wanted after all.
That's my take on it.
When you get around to seeing it tell me what you really think.
I said twice I had not seen the movie, OK - so yeah, it is obvious I have not seen the movie and I am not trying to pretend I saw the movie. Sorry, but it kind of bothers me you have to "accuse" me of something I was open and honest about?
My point about Liberals ... if you have bothered to read WITH COMPREHENSION, my comment, was that there are a lot of stupid posts where some conservative extremist out of nowhere posts political insults about Liberals where they do not belong ... or rather especially where they don't belong in a non-political discussion. But really, insults like that do not belong anywhere.
I wrote a bit about why I don't think insults should be part of movie posts for no reason, and also why I think the OP was dead wrong in what he said politically anyway.
I happen to agree with you on abortion. Being male I think it is the woman's decision, but I would try to do my best to support woman and baby if she had the child. Personally, I think abortion should be a woman's choice, especially in medical cases where it is not advisable to have a baby, or the baby is abnormal, or in cases of rape or incest. People say the baby can be adopted, but I think it is up to the person to decide if they feel comfortable having their genetic line in the hands of another family that they know nothing about. It is about self-determination and freedom to me, but I do not like the idea either.
Thanks for your take on the movie, I was interested in what it was about. I remember the song and can still hum it. My mom really liked the song. If I see it somewhere online I will check it out.
I read what you said. I understood that you hadn't seen the movie. That is why, at the end of my reply I said that when you do get around to seeing the film I would like to know what you really think.
I never "accused" you of anything..... why so defensive?
This really is a non-political subject. I comprehend.
I hope that you do get a chance to see the film. You may or may not care for it but the performances are superb. The cast is great. Check it out.