This Film Is Ironic Because It Reflects What We Are Heading For.
I belong to a group on Facebook that is trying to boycott EBooks, Nooks etc. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy ,but with the Ebooks, Nooks, etc. are diminishing the importance of books in our society. I spoke with librarians who are furious over these computerized readers, and there is a move by individuals who are pushing the Library of Congress to eliminate books in the library system and books altogether! The eBook, Nook, etc is not a book but reduces the importance of books by making the information from a book like an icon on a small computer screen in which the format enables you to connect on the internet and to your email. This is NOT a book! Therefore, the prominence and importance of books in our society will be reduced to be part of the collage of information on a microchip. They are going to enforce this system in which you have no choice. Technology years ago allowed people to use a color TV, or a black and white TV. Now, you have to buy the recent technology just to function or else! I'm not a loon or a conspirator. I just think we are heading for problems because we live in a society of computer technology lunatics who think living in a society like this is Utopia! This film is ironic because its message is very profound,and it reflects a similar crises what we are heading for.