I belong to a group on Facebook that is trying to boycott EBooks, Nooks etc. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy ,but with the Ebooks, Nooks, etc. are diminishing the importance of books in our society. I spoke with librarians who are furious over these computerized readers, and there is a move by individuals who are pushing the Library of Congress to eliminate books in the library system and books altogether! The eBook, Nook, etc is not a book but reduces the importance of books by making the information from a book like an icon on a small computer screen in which the format enables you to connect on the internet and to your email. This is NOT a book! Therefore, the prominence and importance of books in our society will be reduced to be part of the collage of information on a microchip. They are going to enforce this system in which you have no choice. Technology years ago allowed people to use a color TV, or a black and white TV. Now, you have to buy the recent technology just to function or else! I'm not a loon or a conspirator. I just think we are heading for problems because we live in a society of computer technology lunatics who think living in a society like this is Utopia! This film is ironic because its message is very profound,and it reflects a similar crises what we are heading for.
I can understand the sizing convenience of e-readers but I still would never use one, and for all they say you can get so many books there that you have a hard time other places...I still come across quite a few that are not listed as available for Kindle or whatever. I stare at a damn screen enough already during the day and night, I refuse to rely on that for reading books as well.
I'm not buying into your argument that books are being eliminated, and that Libraries are told to downsize their stock by replacing physical books with electronic ones. It's just a troll post looking for attention, it's never going to happen. There's always going to be the physical book, it's been that way for thousands of years, and no e-book readers iPad/Kindle, etc is going to make that not so. Stop the hysterics, have a Happy New Year and get on with life.
One thing people say about Ray Bradbury is that he predicts the past and remembers the future, a lot of his stories tell of a great book burning that occurs sometime in around the year 2200 or so...naturally we won't be around to see it but it wouldn't surprise me.
ThunderDonkey, I don't care if you don't believe it or not. The librarians told me to call the Library of Congress and complain, and they gave me a name of very powerful individual who has made huge break throughs to have books replaced, especially in the library system. Again, if you don't believe me, it doesn't matter because the truth is the truth. If you choose to have your head in your ass while are society is in a silent crisis that is your choice to be ignorant. Also, I saw a commercial for the E-book recently in which school children were given E-books replacing textbooks. This is scary because kids are consumed with the interment and computer usage already. Now, the Nook is a multitasking-computerized tool that is offered as a book, which is a joke! The Nook is damaging because not only does it contain reading information, it contains a section to play computer games, and do other things other than reading. Kids will get easily distracted, and will want to play computer games verses reading. Remember, there is a high rate of ADD, and this is going to be disastrous because computerized "so-called Break Throughs" will increase the illiteracy rate. Kids will not want to read because they will be too distracted by the fact that a computer game is just an adjacent icon next to the so-called "book icon". We are moving forward in technology in one way in a positive direction, yet we are moving backwards in another when it comes to education and knowledge. We are not putting technology in perspective. The microchip isn't the answer for every single thing we use to function and maneuver properly as a society. When we use one medium for everything, this will put us in a very vulnerable position such as if we get attacked in a war, our enemy will just need to push some buttons and with in minutes everything is paralyzed. Another example, we can have an environmental crises such as consuming too much energy, or the sun storms that many have been talking about that are suppose to come. I live near Silicon Valley, and one summer it was so hot, that the computer usage was becoming an issue because of the wide consumption of power. People just refused take a period that summer, and not use their computers. Also, people are becoming very strange with their technology to the point it’s abnormal. One good example is ThunderDonkey's response. This person is taking it so personally like you are insulating a relative. ThunderDonkey's response is not an isolated issue because many, many people act this same very weird way when it comes to saying anything other than praise about their beloved computerized utopian society!
Call your doctor RoyalPrince because your meds seriously need to be adjusted. Wasted 5 minutes of my life reading your post. All I did was disagree with you but if you want to go and rant about all of that then I guess everyone needs a hobby. I'm really curious about your last line "ThunderDonkey's response is not an isolated issue because many, many people act this same very weird way when it comes to saying anything other than praise about their beloved computerized utopian society!" What IF anything in what I said even implied that? You're just another fool who sees monsters around every corner. Like I said, relax, get a life, stop causing trouble on IMDB, find a girl, whatever and worry about more pressing matters such as the economy, world peace,healthcare, etc.
You should definitely try to go to rehab, and stop dropping acid. Look, not everyone is taking drugs like you are. Causing trouble? I have a right to amplify my voice like everyone else, and you’re the only one who is griping about what I’m trying to convey on this thread. Also, get an education on the cons of technology not just the pros. I spoke to people who are insiders in the tech industry, and the damage it is doing short term and especially long term. One positive though, the ever increasing break through the development and the use of technology for medical purposes. But again, that is just ONE positive thing about technology. Current affairs are a concern to me like everyone else. In addition, I look to the future and what we are heading for before the pinnacle of destructiveness will be felt, and will be negatively affected by EVERYONE in our society. We are heading for a huge destructive break down because technology will replace human beings, and ironically we are heading backwards not forwards such as economically. We are heading for a society of very rich and very poor. There will be not middle of any kind. The examples like E-book, Nook, etc. are part of the myriad tech examples that are tools for destruction. Writing on papaya in the ancient times, scrolls in ancient Roman and other ancient civilizations, letters, and ultimately books which all of these tools of communication had and have one thing in common, they are writings on natural material and they depended on human self efficiency. Paper has been in existence for hundreds to thousands of years, and the art of writing as well. However, with in a matter of only 5-8 years, books, paper, and the self-efficient skill of writing is in the process of being replaced. It’s only a matter of time when humans will depend on a microchip to do all of the thinking and functioning. Again, technology today is forced without given a choice. In contrast, years ago you had a choice. Black and white TV or color, electric ovens or gas ovens, etc. Not only did Ray Bradbury captured this type of future existence, and James Orwell brilliantly did in his book,1984 as well.
I don't know why I bothered to convey this message to you ThunderDONKEY because your intellect is damaged and not functioning properly. Your intellect rejects words like, open mind, rational thinking, reasoning, logic, etc. But look on the brighter side, there is hope for you in the horizon because the microchip will eventually do all of your thinking for you.
They tell us that We lost our tails Evolving up From little snails I say it's all Just wind in sails Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? D-E-V-O
We're pinheads now We are not whole We're pinheads all Jocko homo Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? D-E-V-O Are we not pins? We are Devo!
Monkey men all In business suits Teachers and critics All dance the poot Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? D-E-V-O Are we not pins? We are Devo! Are we not men? D-E-V-O
I got a rhyme that comes with a riddle O-HI-O What's round on the ends and high in the middle? O-HI-O
God made man But he used the monkey to do it Apes in the plan We're all here to prove it I can walk like an ape Talk like an ape Do what a monkey can do God made man But a monkey supplied the glue
Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? We are Devo! Are we not men? We are Devo!
We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat D-E-V-O We must repeat O.K. let's go!
If that took you 5 minutes to read, ThunderDonkey, perhaps that's the problem: lack of reading comprehension > lack of interest in the death of the physical book business > potential loss of the actual book form for many works throughout history as many move to the electronic and eschew the paper medium.
If anyone is a "troll" here it's you.
This is one of the "more pressing matters such as the economy", you blind fool.
if anything, printed books will continue to evolve into longer-lasting products, like when printing changed to archival papers that don't yellow and inks that don't fade. i can envision books with non-tear covers and pages in the future.
i do think printed type will get smaller, hence books will have less pages to cut costs, as more people are using phones and tablets and handheld game systems - all those tiny screens have people reading tinier type and watching tinier images. perhaps aliens are drom our future and that's why theirmeyes are so huge? j/k! ;)
"I'm not buying into your argument that books are being eliminated, and that Libraries are told to downsize their stock by replacing physical books with electronic ones. It's just a troll post looking for attention, it's never going to happen."
Then you are just not paying attention. New libraries are being built or planned to hold far fewer books than are now in the old libraries.. In some, more space is given to public computers than book shelves.
I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.
I totally get your sentiment, but the book version of Fahrenheit 451 does make a valid point in regard to the importance of books. To quote from sparknotes.com:
"Faber says that Montag does not know the real reason for his unhappiness and is only guessing that it has something to do with books, since they are the only things he knows for sure are gone. Faber insists that it’s not the books themselves that Montag is looking for, but the meaning they contain. The same meaning could be included in existing media like television and radio, but people no longer demand it. Faber compares their superficial society to flowers trying to live on flowers instead of on good, substantive dirt: people are unwilling to accept the basic realities and unpleasant aspects of life.
"Faber says that people need quality information, the leisure to digest it, and the freedom to act on what they learn. He defines quality information as a textured and detailed knowledge of life, knowledge of the “pores” on the face of humanity. Faber agrees with Mildred that television seems more “real” than books, but he dislikes it because it is too invasive and controlling. Books at least allow the reader to put them down, giving one time to think and reason about the information they contain."
So, at least from the books point of view, and I am sure that you have your reasons beyond the ideas in this story, the Kindles and the eBooks still would -or COULD- have the same quality as books, as long as the content is as good.
The bigger issue is the massive amount of trash entertainment that is pushed at us, and that is where the QUALITY mentioned is lost. What is better, to read a first edition hardback copy of Twilight, or Ulysses on a Kindle? You decide for yourself, but I would go with the latter still.
All that said, I don't like the eReaders. I like the smell of books.
I thought the whole point of the book/movie was about censorship and the government controlling knowledge, not about how we absorb information. Why does it matter whether the information is stored electronically or physically? If anything we are moving in a direction where it will be impossible to censor information and I can't think of anything negative about that.
I feel comforted by the tangible. Downloads, to me, are intangible and therefore worthless. The most important things to learn and see and experience-in my opinion-should not require an electrical plug, batteries, or other power source. A real book will never need recharging.
I agree. It's like the argument 'oh kids NEED to learn how to use the computer when they first start school', no they don't. We did fine with books and newspapers and magazines for learning and references, let them learn how to use something REAL and like you said, tangible, something that's HERE, something they can touch, something that can't be deleted or lost if the batteries go out, the internet goes down or the computer boots itself out.
All of this has valid points, but to deny the ebook is wrong. I live in a country where we dont have the paper edition of many books, make that 95%. For example, no 2001 a space oddysey, no 1984... most of the greatest books in history arent aveilable in any language, let alone my native one. The only way i can get my eyes on them is on my tablet. And denying a human being to read them is a crime. I dont intend to see my kids grow up in ignorance just because those books arent aveilable. That would make me the same as the people burning the books in FARENHEIT 451. And that is something i fear very very much.
It is scary (though I wouldn't necessarily say 'ironic') how often the future (mainly the unsettling aspects) is predicted in pop-culture. I was just listing to a 'Radiodrome' on that very subject.