MovieChat Forums > Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) Discussion > Deserves to be in the top 250

Deserves to be in the top 250

Given that this is one of the best films I've ever seen, I think it deserves to be ranked along such timeless classics as "Toy Story"

Perhaps it would be unfair to rank this alongside conventional movies though? This movie is in a genre of its on. I can't even think about it the same way I think about other movies.

But I still love it.

Thoughts? Comments?


An extremely powerful film without a doubt. All of Bresson's films deserve to be in the top 250, along with countless other films that aren't. But at the same time I think that whole ranking system is a bit skewed. Lord of the Rings at the top of the list? I mean, it's so hard to rank there aren't 250 films made before the 90s that are much worthier than any film made in the 90s? Granted, I'm an avid fan of contemporary cinema, but the top 250 films of all time would certainly not contain The Matrix, Lord of The Rings, Pulp Fiction, or other such films on the list obviously due to their popularity.


Wow, I just went and looked at the response to the first twenty films on the's pretty much all there is to




I dont know about the top 250, it's as some of you have pointed out, a kind of strange list, not saying it's bad movies there, not at all. enough said about that.

this is one of my first posts on imdb and probably one of my last but I just have to say that this was one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen. It shure is absolutely fantastic.

it is ofcourse not possible to choose one movie that you think is the best one, but when i saw this I really felt like saying that a couple of times.

I recommend you see this movie.

an intresting extra fact is that michael haneke, has this one on his list with the most influential movies in his life.

the others are Lancelot du Lac (1974), Zerkalo (1975), Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975), Ángel exterminador, El (1962), The Gold Rush (1925), Psycho (1960), A Woman Under the Influence (1974), Germania anno zero (1978) , L'Eclisse, (1962)


I, too, think it's an odd list. It seems to have more than a few new and newer releases on it, making me think people vote on things that haven't had the chance to stand the test of time (ie: "Ratatouille", which probably only goes to show how many kids go on IMDb; "Children of Men", a film in which those of us who read the book should be allowed to vote off). But then the IMDb list is about popularity, not quality, so...

If you're the President you have to know where you are in the space-time continuum.


I think one are on really deep waters when talking about "quality and good films" as it were something more than just personal opinions. The list on imdb does not state to be a list that lists the 250 most important, best, whatever films its just a list made by people who are surfing on the site, I would say people who are intrested in movies in one way or another. which is really intresting if you ask me.

dont you agree?


I love it how whenever someone mentions the films that don't deserve to be on the top 250, they always start with LOTR. Read below for my response to you.

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the greatest movie ever made. It's True!!



It's rated very highly but at only 800 votes or so it doesn't qualify.



What makes you think of that ?


If I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually like all the movies you flame, and are just a bored teenager.


Agreed. "Au Hasard Balthazar" is the greatest film ever made.

BTW all three LOTR movies can't hold a candle next to "Meet The Feebles"

"F#ck w/me and I'll *beep* w/you...isn't that what we're supposed to do?"
-Jesus & Mary Chain



Top 250? It should be in everybody's top 25! The more you see this film the more you discover about it, and about the quite complex underlying drama. For example, it was only at about the 10th viewing that I realised that the man in the first scene is Jacques' father, not Marie's.


Lots of films deserve a place in the top 250, Winter Light, Diary of a Country Priest, The Passion of Joan of Arc...

But the fact of the matter is, that list is nothing more then a popularity contest, and I don't think very many really take it seriously.

Last film seen: Au Hasard Balthazar 9/10


"Lots of films deserve a place in the top 250, Winter Light, Diary of a Country Priest, The Passion of Joan of Arc...

But the fact of the matter is, that list is nothing more then a popularity contest, and I don't think very many really take it seriously."

Kinda reminds me of a lot of things in this country. Like, say, the presidency. I wish people actually did put thought into things and take things seriously anymore, although the top movies poll on a website is probably the least important of our problems.

----I feel sorry for homeless homosexuals. They have no closet to come out of.----
RIP John Reich


Well I'm Canadian so... I've got nothing to worry about .

Last film seen: Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages 8/10


Doesn't deserve to be in the top 250 and despite the claims of another poster it doesn't belong in everyone's top 25. Many of Ozu's films deserve spots in the top 250, this one was bleh. I hope when I see Bresson's other films during my viewing of the Criterion Collection series, that I will find them more interesting/enjoyable. My first viewing of a Bresson film did not make me a fan.

The film is beyond unrealistic.
One example: When violent deliquent/prick/rapist Gerard trashes the bar and noone bats an eye...maybe a rich kid could do that in some town they basically own due to their extreme wealth in an old movie, maybe a notorious outlaw in an old western, but not this character. Sure Marie was almost haunting at times in the film, but she was so weak-willed and bad at making decisions that I couldn't really feel very sorry for her. I also didn't cry the least bit at the ending (despite the numerous films that have made me weep in the past) as so many people claim they do here. The one thing I could say this film accomplishes aside from working as a drug-free sleep-inducing method is that it could be said to have brought me closer to God -- I found myself wanting to thank him when I saw the word 'Fin' on the screen.


If you're watching 'Fullscreen' DVDs, you aren't getting the whole picture.


An all-time masterpiece. But the imdb top 250 is a meaningless, high-testerone list of action films that is not taken seriously by film historians, critics, buffs, etc. It is fun, but its lame and predictable what the young white male contributors will select. Indisputably great films from Passion of Joan of Arc thru Brokeback Mountain haven't made the cut, the omission of Balthazar is further proof of its irrelevance.
