Etruscan snoods?

In one episode, Robin says, "Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods, Batman!" What is an Etruscan snood?

I looked up snood and it has a few meanings:

1.) a combination hat and hair net worn by women a long time ago

2.) the bit of flesh that hangs from a turkey's beak

3.) what holds bait in a trap on a crab fisherman's boat

The hair net thing seems most likely, but why would Etruscans have a collection of them? And it seems highly unlikely that an Etruscan would have a collection of turkey erectile tissues. The crab fishing thing could be likely, but seems to be second to the hair nets. Because I don't know if Etruscans ever went or could ever have gone crab fishing.


Late reply here, but this seems obvious.

First its unlikely (very, very, unlikely) that Etruscan women wore snoods.

Second, Etruscans don't exist today. They were the primary power on the Italian peninsula until the rise of Rome. They've been functionally extinct for 2500 years.

In the context of the episode this was a collection of "Etruscan" snoods collected from various archeological finds or from artifacts from various prominent persons.

So its not Etruscans collecting snoods. Its a collection of various snoods which were worn by different Etruscans.
