MovieChat Forums > Incubus (1966) Discussion > Incubus placxas al min...sed...

Incubus placxas al min...sed...

Incubus placxas al cxar gxi estas bona filmo... sed cxar gxi estas stranga filmo ...kaj mi sxatas strangajn ajxojn! En la filmo ili malbone parolis Esperanton...Nu, La aktorino kiu estis Arndis parolis pli bone ol la aliajn Geaktorojn. Nune Incubus estas unu da la kelkaj filmoj tute en gxi estas parto de la historion de Esperanton...kaj gxi estas vi volas spekti bonan Esperantan filmon eble Incubus ne suficxas...sed post ne longe estos alia filmo tute en esperanto nomota La Gerda Malaperis!...De la faman esperantan rakonton... verkita de Claude Piron...kaj vi povas informigxi cxe tute ekscitigxas!



I think the first post is in Esperanto. Show off!


Uh... hardly a show off since this film is in Esperanto, and surely an Esperantist would appreciate it. The person is essentially saying that while he/she likes the film, it is largely because it is a STRANGE film, and not so much because he/she feels it is a GOOD film. The poster also laments the fact that the Esperanto is poorly spoken, with the exception of one cast member, plus that this is the only film to be written/performed solely in Esperanto. Apparently the story "Gerda Malaperis!" ("Gerda Dissapeared!") - which is used to teach people Esperanto - is being made into a film. One can only hope that this will start a trend towards quality esperanto films. I get the feeling that you weren't entirely serious in calling them a show off though (hopefully), and I wanted to translate the post roughly for those who are not Esperantists.


I applaud the original poster for posting in Esperanto. But then again, I'm biased. After all, look at my screenname.

Learn a new language, explore a new world.


But he used the accusative after a preposition that already showed motion. So, not that much of a show off.

Sed tiu uzis la akuzativon post prepozicio, kiu jam montris movadon. Do, ne tiom sagxuma.


"Nune Incubus estas la unua kaj nura filmo tute en Esperanton"

Ne. What about Angoroj, then?


Mi bedauxras...Mi korektis mian pravas, "Angoroj" estis tute en Esperanto sed gxi ne travivis kaj ankoraux estas perdita.


It is misleading to say that "Angoroj" did not survive. Like "Incubus", it appears to have been lost for a time but both are now available as videos


No. Here is a more accurate translation:

I like Incubus... not because it is a good films... but because it is a strange film... because I like strange things! In the film they spoke Esperanto badly... now, the actress who played (lit. "was") Arndis spoke better than the other actors. Currently, Incubus is une of the few films entirely in Esperanto... so it is part of the history of Esperanto... and it is respectable... if you want to watch a good Esperanto film, maybe Incubus won't suffice... but not after long there will be a film entirely in Esperanto, titled [cxu vi volis diri "nomita"?] "La Gerda Malaperis!"... from the famous Esperanto tale... created by Claude Piron... more info [lit. "you can be informed"] at ... I am totally excited!

... Kiel estas mia Esperanto? ^^U


EARTHBOAR, GREAT Try but FIBONACCI got it right! Vi povas lerni pri Esperanton cxe: ( you can learn about esperanto at:)


Mi ankoraux ne spektus Incubus...mi sentas, ke gxi estas mian Esperantistan devon spekti Incubus...spite gxian malbonan Esperanton...XP


You have to feel bad for all those people who took the trouble to learn the language back in the 60s and 70s. At least the Lord of the Ring nerds who learned to speak elvish have an opening line when trying to pick up the rare girl at the dungeons and dragons conventions.



If I was going to learn a fictional language, I'd probably go for Klingon before Elvish.


Saluton, mi neniam vidis Incubus, en la Interrreto kie mi povas elsxuti la filmo. Bonvolu skribu min al retposxto [email protected]
