Favorite Beatle

Okay all of you Beatle fans out there... which is your favorite.

Mine is George Harrison.



I think Paul and Ringo would be greatly pleased women of every generation and culture still find them cute. It is weird in some ways to realize they are senior citizens, since they seem frozen in time when I watch their videos. I was watching a recent interview Paul did on the Gayle King show and mentally he stated he was 25. Interesting. I know Orpah and Gayle were big Beatle fans as kids. Ringo has aged well. I think Linda's death and the crap with Heather broke Paul down.


When I was younger, I thought Ringo was really cool. I never much cared for George, but as I've gotten older, and learned more about him, I'd have to say it's John Lennon. His influences are incredible! Even today!



Paul. I always liked the optimistic bent he brought to the Beatles music.
John was probably the one true genius.
George the most interesting and the most honest. (read the Beatles anthology)
Ringo a great drummer very underrated particularly from 1966 on...

But my favorite is Paul. He's also the best musician in the band- could play bass, guitar, drums, keys, wind instruments all around great musical talent.



Different Beatles for different occasions. The character of George in Yellow Submarine, driving round in his multi coloured car is one of my favourite parts..

Ringo in Help! because he is SO deadpan.. his comic delivery is as good as his drumming timing.

"The fire brigade helped me get my head out of some railings once"

"Did you want them to?"

"No, I used to leave it there when I wasn't using it for school, you can see a lot of the world through railings ya know"

Paul and Lennon great songwriters obviously - Lennon has some GREAT lines in Help too... I think he comes across as very natural, I'm not even sure if the lines are written for him or he is just chatting away...

John: "What's this?" (John looks in his soup and pulls out a little book
Ringo "It's a Season Ticket, whatdya think it was?"
John "Oh great, I like a bit of a seasoning in my soup" *Puts it back and stirs it in*

Paul as a young man is great, really likeable, especially in interviews when he is defending the group from stupid media questions. As an older man in his 60s I guess he has become quite set in his ways.. as we all will get to look forward to unfortunately :(
