My first post on this board was in reply to crlnrgbrght5» Wed Sep 11 2013 15:44:55 who wrote
I much preferred the 1st few Seasons, but then, Lisa, and Mr. Kimball became sillier and, ridiculous. Eb was Mouthy, and disrespectful to Mr. Douglas, and They showed too much of that Pig, Arnold in later Episodes.
I replied to that
This show is a comedy like The Three Stooges, Get Smart, Airplane movies (1980 and 1982) and The Naked Gun movies (1988, 1991 and 1994)
meaning yes Green Acres was sillier like the movies that I wrote about but, that was the point. I liked when Lisa read the opening credits and asked Oliver "What is an executive producer?" and Oliver would go "what"
darryl-tahirali» 1 day ago (Thu Jan 23 2014 16:13:14) replied to my signature
If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation - rickb69
If the person goes through with it, does it become a multiple suicide? Or a murder-suicide? If the latter, which personality(ies) committed the murder(s), and which committed the suicide(s)?
He was making a joke about my signature and I replied back to him making a joke about his reply to me, that is why I put the laugh emotions in my reply to him.
The cartoon that I was referring to is from a free site and is about my signature- One angel says to another angel "He had multiple personalities, but they were all good". The third angel has 7 halos, again that was a joke to the person above me.
I did not mean for anyone to think it was spam.
I'm sorry I did not reply to him in private.
If a person with multiple personalities threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation