I'd have fired Eb

Been getting reacquainted with the show after not seeing it for years. Some running gags are getting stale and annoying, such as Eb's continuing belief that the Douglases are his parents. He's so disrespectful to Oliver I'm surprised Oliver didn't just get rid of him. He really steps over the line in some of his comments to his boss.

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Who would you hire in his place ? Judging by the rest of the lunatics that live there, expecting an upgrade would make you just as nuts as the rest of Hooterville !


One of Kate Bradley's girls? I'd make the work very easy for her, in order to convince her to take the job!

"All necessary truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


IKR, I thought the same thing about Eb's disrespect. He reminds me of Florence in The Jeffersons, she always talked back to George, her boss. In real life, neither would last a day.

"I am prepared for a zombie holocaust!"
"Where are your weapons?"
"Don't need them."
"Because zombies don't exist."

- Reality Check 15


For a current day comparison, look at some of the things "2 Broke Girls" say to and about their boss.
