Myth of sisyphus
This film is great allegory for the myth of sisyphus and also is a great example of the impact of existentialism on modern thought. The man is put into a pit to dig sand eternally by the village men, which parallels sisyphus being condemned to roll the stone up the hill by the gods. The scene in which the villagers with masks shout at the man and woman, saying "show us what you do with her" (or something like that i havent seen it in a while), is a great picture of what the greek gods acted like in myth. the motifs of sand, darkness, and subdued sexuality lend to a feeling of meaninglessness. The man continues to work in the sand even though it is meaningless because his other options are also meaningless (working in the city). So I think the ending is perfect. I could say so much more about this film, i think it is wonderful.