Lauren Bacall S P O I L E R S
I wondered, when I first saw Ms Bacall in this, why they'd waste her talent on a nothing role. Boy was I happily surprised! She became the center of the film, and made the ending work. Yay Betty!
The first film I saw her in was made some time later in the 60s... "Harper" with Paul Newman. Again, she powered her way through it without showing effort. I love her line "Puss, puss, puss" used on her daughter, played by Pamela Tiffin. I think the role gave a reboost to her career. See it if you love Ms. Bacall. Shelley Winters had a restart in that film, too.
You've probably already seen Bacall's earlier films, like "To Have and Have Not" and "The Big Sleep." If not, you're missing out!
She also played one episode of "The Sopranos." Check that out too!