My Favorite Godzilla Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's my favorite because it marks Gihdrah's first appearance into the Godzilla movie series and it has some of Akira Ifukubes best music scores. The weird thing about this g-flick is that there is no trace japaenese army what so ever.Not a plane, not a tank, not a battle ship, laser, or anything!!Rodan and mothra(larva) make aperances too.


I've only just begun to watch Toho flicks, saw Gojira last year, thought it held up with its score, suspense, and genuine terror. I had a blast watching this one. I was laughing so hard at some of the shenanigans that happen, like Malness' death after catching a boulder and Godzilla at one point seems to run away from Ghidorah after catching lighting in his rear. I'm now a fan of kaiju flicks. Gonna watch Mothra next, followed by Godzilla Raids Again. And then probly King of the Monsters just to see how America treated the original.


The FX of the meteor transforming into Ghidorah is my favorite scene in ANY Godzilla flick.
