Smokin' hot (and I'm not talking about Mars)
OK, this nobody has addressed this yet....seriously, how hot was Paul Mantee in this movie? When he walks around in the zipper pants and black t-shirt, I never wanted to be stranded on Mars so much before.
As a huge fan of 1950s and 1960s Sci-Fi, I really liked the movie, and I thought use of mattes and rocky location shoots were well done. Cheesy at times, yes, but, viewed in context, other films of the period are way cheesier (not that I have a problem with that, as I believe things should always be viewed in context).
But I must admit that having Paul Mantee in the movie was a BIG plus. He was way easy to look at, which the filmmakers obviously played up. I want to thank them personally for the bathing scene (a highlight of the film, to be sure, hehehehe!).
What else has he done?