Was Marry Poppins asexual?
Was Marry Poppins asexual?
shareNo she was a dominatrix!
You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!
She certainly was, a VERY sexual being
shareShe didn't need to sexual in a social, attract-a-man kind of way.
I mean, after all, she could pull a Lexington Steele (or clone thereof) out of that carpetbag anytime she needed to "clear the pipes".
> Was Marry Poppins asexual?
When were you expecting her to get jiggy with someone?
Back in those days, servants didn't show their sexual side. In fact, almost nobody did. Mary was quite professional in that regard.
Besides, she did actually dance with Bert several times and then with several of the sweeps.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
by Authorised-User » Fri Feb 15 2013 05:28:08
IMDb member since June 2005
Was Marry Poppins asexual?
Julie Andrews gave an interview once years ago where she said, "Does Mary Poppins have orgasms? I assure you she does!"
shareMary Poppins is a deeply sexual witch. No heterosexual man can resist. She had to leave the Banks home before Michael reached puberty.