Very good

A character study about hidden trauma.
This was a very good film by Alfred Hitchcock with all the actors doing well in their roles.

Tippie Hendren was exceptional.
The horse injury was upsetting. I had to close my eyes.

It's sometimes a tough watch, with Marnie's trauma coming to the fore.

Highly recommended watch.



I work in psychology and it was WAY ahead of it's time.

Back one knew about Borderline Personality Disorder. She really has a mix of things going on but few people would link her behavior to trauma. Now, that's the norm.

Also, I have been astounded to see all of these negative comments on the internet about it.

The idea is that the Connery character loves her and will stop at nothing to help her. If you have ever known a woman like this they are next to impossible to deal with. However, he stays cool throughout the whole things and doesn't give up. A modern man would be out the door ASAP.

Borderlines are famous for torturing the men who love them because they hate themselves. I like the scene where she starts insulting him and he cooly says, "I never said I was perfect Marnie" in his Connery voice.

Borderlines are famous for "Black and white thinking" so they gush love onto someone (Love Bombing) then if you do one wrong thing they become extremely hateful.

Whoever wrote that was very informed.


Very interesting. Thanks for your thoughts.
