Is this movie supposed to be funny?
I finally got the DVD from netflix to watch this classic infamous movie and I had to turn it off after 20 minutes. It was so lame and corny and nothing was funny. I had my english subtitles on to understand what everyone was saying, but that didn't help. Maybe I had to be a teenager during the 60's to appreciate this film. I don't get the jokes.
"Give me my ball back." saying over and over again and then they stand posed outside the window INSIDE the train saying "give me my ball back" and then they separate and run away and then run OUTSIDE the train saying "give me my ball back" and then the next scene they are still inside the train. I don't get the line and why they are outside the train and then back inside the train. That's just one of many things I didn't understand about the first 20 minutes of the film.
Is this film supposed to be taken seriously? It just had a lot of close ups of the Beatles with them saying corny lines that aren't even funny. Am I missing something? Am I too young to enjoy this film (I'm 30).
If CTU would let Jack Bauer do his job, the show would be called 12.