You make some interesting points, however:
"Most posters are debating the notion of sexuality in the 12th Century. What we should be looking at is the expression of homosexuality in the 1960s, on film."
Oh? Why? I mean, they're different though related topics. It seems to me both are fair game on a board such as this.
"This was a 1960s movie, and such things weren't done."
Well, they were. This picture is an example. Certainly, such relationships were disguised but, then, so were a lot of heterosexual relationships, especially regarding the "details". But, not so disguised that intelligent people such as yourself couldn't understand the dynamics of what was going on. "The Children's Hour" ('61) was pretty unambiguous about homosexuality and it was released three years earlier than this one. Remember, too, films of the 60s and before, as well as some more contemporary films, were made for general audiences (ie., families) primarily. "Tom Jones" ('63), for example, was rife with sex, but it was so deftly presented as to be a film a youngster could enjoy despite missing "the" point.
"Homophobia" (Whatever that means exactly. It means different things to different people it seems.) is an entirely seperate moral and/or political issue related, but not necessarily germane, to this thread. A little like the homosexual issue Gore Vidal has connected with "Ben-Hur" ('59). Vidal's allusions to a gay background are so obtuse and, I might add, so inconsequential to the story (as they also were in the novel), that it makes no substantial difference whether or not they'd been included at all.
I suppose "misguided" is in the eye of the beholder.