You can't go home again

When I was a young man, this was one of my favorite shows. I liked that there was a TV show that was like the James Bond movies. Of course, back then, we were happy to have ANYTHING to watch on TV.
But, looking at it with adult eyes, I can see why my Dad used to chuckle at some of the situations.
I just re-watched the very first episode a couple of days ago, and boy was it bad!
The show starts off with what I have to think are enemy agents fighting their way into U.N.C.L.E. headquarters, only to come face to face with Napoleon Solo, who is shielded by a bulletproof glass panel.
The enemy agent shoots at him, only to have the shield protect him. Then, Solo runs around a seeming corridor of glass protective shields, come out in the open and fire three shots, killing the other man.
The problem is Solo fires his gun in the old style of jerking it back and forth, which we all know now is not the way to fire a pistol.
Then, later in the show, he has to get a civilian woman to help him get close to a villain they are trying to take down.
Solo practically orders her to leave her family and fly away to help. He also exposes the fact that he is a secret agent working for a top secret agency. He even names the agency, exposing what could possibly be a dangerous secret to a civilian!
I am glad the writing for spy shows got better over the years.
I guess it would have been better if I had never watched the episode and kept my childhood fantasy memories about how "good" the show was.
