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Makeup Change From Season One to Season Two

Have always loved Liz's ultra glam, fairly heavy eye makeup in the first season, particularly
in the first third of the opening year. But in season two, when Sam announces she is
pregnant, Liz went for an almost NO makeup look. She was still pretty, but more natural,
and not nearly as glamorous.

To be honest, I preferred her first season look. She comes across a bit dowdy in season
two, but then again, she looked like she was 20 months' pregnant! Curiously, her second
season look - at least during the first five eps or so, are similar in appearance to her
closing season EIGHT look...with the exception she was giving a much more inspired
performance in the second year than in the last.


I guess I'm not the only one who noticed Elizabeth Montgomery's change from season one to season two.

She always looked different to me in season one. Could never exactly put my finger on it until I realized her eye make-up was a bit more, no pun intended, bewitching in the first season. Her eye make-up gave her a subtly catlike, exotic appearance.

Her eye make-up is exaggerated in "Which Witch is Witch" when Endora substitutes for Sam at a dress fitting. Of course it was supposed to be Endora who ALWAYS went heavy on the eye make-up! It gave the actress a very sophisticated look.

In season two, yes, her look changed. Maybe the reasoning was now she was a full fledged suburban housewife and expectant mother. The sultry glamour look was a bit too much.

"20 months pregnant" lol


My feeling was that, being pregnant, Liz didn't want to get to the set any earlier than necessary, or sit in an
uncomfortable makeup chair any longer than possible. Still, her makeup slowly INCREASES as the episodes
go on in season two. Notice the difference, say, in the first episode, and "My Boss, the Teddy Bear." Guess
the producers felt Liz looked too plain. Certainly my explanation would also bode for the final year, when Liz
wanted to be on set as little as possible.

I think her season three makeup looks the best. More close to season one, but more subtle. Also love that
mid-season three honey-blonde flip! Such detail. Liz must've been in the hairdresser's chair for HOURS that
season, between makeup and hair-styling.


Yes Elizabeth Montgomery probably didn't want to sit in make-up longer than necessary.

I always thought she looked great in season three. But when I bought the DVD I was blown away by how she looked. The DVDs are so much clearer than regular TV broadcasts. She is just glowing in that season. I know tans are not good for the complexion, but she looks so tan and healthy. Maybe it was a fake tan just to give her more color since the show went to color.

My least favorite of her "looks" came much later when she wore her hair really long and parted in the middle...and those mini skirts! She had great legs, but I always think of that as her "Marcia Brady" look.


The tan looks real to me, as York has it, too. Also Liz looks very tan in the opening eps of season five. They
just came off of their early summer breaks, you know.

I actually find Liz's long hair parted in the middle quite sexy. It shaved off a few years on Liz, who was nearing
40. Some of the WHITE SOCKS AND SHOES stuff was silly (yes, very Marcia Brady).

I think Liz's dullest hair style is in season six with that too severe page boy! Other fans refer to it as "the helmet
hair!" Lol!


Yes, my first thought was that Elizabeth Montgomery was so tanned because she just came off a break ( or hiatus as they like to say in Hollywood!). But I wasn't sure. I didn't know if they were aware of sun damage back then. I know I've been keeping my face OUT of the sun for years (except for when I have to mow the lawn).

Yes, the long hair is a sexy look. But for me it obscures too much of her beautiful face. I like her hair pulled back a bit.

"Helmet hair" ,lol. That's what my dad used to call my mom's hairstyle! She was very busy and didn't have time to fuss. She'd go to the beautician and get that style and it was heavily lacquered down. No muss, no fuss, but not sexy for dad I guess! Ha!

Interesting how Elizabeth Montgomery could pull off the VERY heavily made up look as Serena. I read some make-up artist's comments once. (forget his name) He said that with most actresses you can only go so far with make-up and then they start to look bad. The law of diminishing returns I guess.

But some actresses he said, like the beautiful Diahann Carroll, can take a lot of make-up. You can pile it on and they keep looking better. I think Elizabeth Montgomery looked that way as Serena.


As pretty as Liz was, I've always felt she looked better with false eyelashes and some makeup, rather than
the NO makeup look of those last episodes. Her eye didn't have the same sparkle.


GB, I agree 100% about the season 6 hair. I never cared for it. I tend two associate two 'do's for Ms. Montgomery in BW-- the season 5 look, long and pushed back from her forehead (like in "Samantha's Power Failure") and the season 8 long, straight look.


I prefer her season three hair...the honey-blonde flip.


Yes, also very attractive!


Season three was just about the most becoming look on her. I've been watching season six and her hair is a lot darker in those episodes. Maybe because she just had a baby, Elizabeth Montgomery didn't want to spend a lot of time getting her hair dyed. But the honey blonde hair was the most flattering.


I think she looked best at the beginning of season 3, with the tan (or darker makeup) and before her hair got long enough to do the flip.


show started in 1964 when people were still desperately trying to emulate the Jackie look. Makes sense a witch would want to also.
