The 2005 remake

Love or hate?


I loved parts of it! I was disappointed in the last part of it.

I thought it was clever to have a woman who WAS a witch play a character in a TV show who was a witch. It was an interesting concept. Nicole Kidman was charming. Michael Caine was excellent as always.

Never understood why the character played by Will Farrell would choose that TV show to star in. Clearly the main character is Samantha, but he wanted to be the star of the show.

The first half of the movie was funny. But the second half lost me. It seemed unfocused and all over the place as if the writers didn't know what to do with the concept that they created.

Not a bad movie though. I don't hate it.


For me, it was one hundred percent dreadful. Kidman was a good choice, but Jim Carry would've been a far greater
choice for Darrin. For starters, he possesses much of the same comedic talent of York, but also resembles Sargent.
He would've been fantastic. The rest of the cast is fine.

The problems? How much time do you have? The choice of dropping "an ordinary mortal falls in love with a witch"
for a story-within-a-story was a bad one. And you can blames the director - the late what's-her-name - who openly
expressed little interest in the show (stating "I preferred The Mary Tyler Moore Show" - as if you could compare them!).

The film is lumpy, unfunny, at times embarrassing, and a total insult to the memory of the series. Kidman, herself,
is an extraordinary actor and deserved way better. It was a flop, so everybody lost - the studio, the stars, and the
fans of the show.


Oh I forgot about Jim Carrey! A lot of people thought he would've made a better Darrin. I agree.

You mean the late Nora Ephron. I did enjoy some of her movies such as Heartburn and Sleepless in Seattle. It definitely would have been better if the person who wrote the screenplay actually liked the show!

I didn't see this in the theater. When I saw it on TV I thought it was funny and interesting at first. But after a while the story seemed to flop all over the place. As Siskel and Ebert used to say about a lot of movies, "It lacked focus. The writers didn't seem to know what direction to take the film."


a disaster


Hated it. I was embarassed for all involved. Kinda glad it failed. We won't be subjected to another remake for awhile...


It was unusual. I thought it would be about the show and instead we get the show behind the scenes with a real witch. It would've been better if they had played it forward with the pilot or gone the brady bunch route and had it set in 2005 with them acting like it was the sixties. Another would be maybe trying to have Samantha becoming Queen of the witches with her sister trying to take it from her.


i really liked it but im also super-biased as a Will Ferrell fan.


I was so disappointed in this movie. I rewatched it a few years ago, and still wasn't a fan. Nicole Kidman was fine, and I normally like Will Ferrell, but it didn't have many of the elements that make me love the original show. The only parts I liked were the characters from the show who "visited" them (Aunt Clara, Uncle Arthur and the wonderful Amy Sedaris as Gladys at the end).


Sedaris was not good.
The Brief scene. Dont like it or her


Never saw it. I was never a big fan of the original, but a friend of mine thought it was the bee's knees.

