
I'm sorry but I was just watching this movie. Peter Breck left the room with 'the dixie guy' (james best) dancing with a girl and walked into the adjoining room. There was about 6 fairly good looking women in the room staring at him with desire and one of them was singing 'My Bonnie lies over the Ocean'. Breck looks at each one, sizes up the situation and his 'conscience' loudly states: NYMPHO'S!!! It just cracked me up for some reason. Until the nympho's attacked him it didn't look like that bad of a situation to be in. Unfortunately, they were 'Psycho- Nympho's!' The worst kind of Nympho!

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't ~ Bart Simpson


Sadly, nympho was one of those diagnosis put on women to control and abuse them. If a husband wanted, he could have his wife put in an asylum as a nymphomaniac. Then he could continue on with his life without the burden of a wife underfoot.

Back to the movie. Those Nymphos were the sorriest sex maniacs I've ever seen. Out of the 7 of them, they couldn't manage to unbutton a single button or unbuckle a belt? Looks like they got a bit of spit on his face and that was it.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Nymphomania Is a real condition, I think it's called sex addiction now. and there is more humane treatment. But sadly, back in the day , women were falsely accused of that, and institutionalized.
