Cringe inducing and so STUPID
It's a train wreck. Works the way The Brady Bunch does in inducing a great amount of CRINGE while watching it. Maureen O'hara is just possibly the WORST actress in cinema history. Every expression and flinch exaggerated and over the top. She makes sure the camera sees her getting mad, sees her getting jealous and sees her muffling a giggle. Of course she goes through the glass without a cut on her in her attempt to get away from a drunken John Wayne. Townspeople don't care if Wayne stomps and walks all over their cakes and food in rough pursuit of this hot tempered irish bad acting redhead.
O'hara lands in a wooden bathtub where she's mocked and laughed at by the town trollop. She grabs the woman's arm and dumps her in the water for laughing at her, where as John Wayne does the same.
Stephanie Powers walks through this movie with that "I'm in a big movie with big stars look" that makes you just wanna pull her hair. It would be fitting with the kind of misogyny in this film.