MovieChat Forums > McLintock! (1963) Discussion > Cringe inducing and so STUPID

Cringe inducing and so STUPID

It's a train wreck. Works the way The Brady Bunch does in inducing a great amount of CRINGE while watching it. Maureen O'hara is just possibly the WORST actress in cinema history. Every expression and flinch exaggerated and over the top. She makes sure the camera sees her getting mad, sees her getting jealous and sees her muffling a giggle. Of course she goes through the glass without a cut on her in her attempt to get away from a drunken John Wayne. Townspeople don't care if Wayne stomps and walks all over their cakes and food in rough pursuit of this hot tempered irish bad acting redhead.

O'hara lands in a wooden bathtub where she's mocked and laughed at by the town trollop. She grabs the woman's arm and dumps her in the water for laughing at her, where as John Wayne does the same.

Stephanie Powers walks through this movie with that "I'm in a big movie with big stars look" that makes you just wanna pull her hair. It would be fitting with the kind of misogyny in this film.


It would be fitting with the kind of misogyny in this film.

Well, kudos for managing not to tip your hand until the last line of your rant, at any rate.


It's not quite as bad as all that. ( I agree with the "stupid" part but I never actually cringe.)

But, no, McClintock! is not a good movie.

Janet! Donkeys!


The critics here miss that this film is a farce. I guess films that fall within that general category today, like the Meet the ... series with Stiller and DeNiro, are more conventional as such. More obvious. This film was great for taking what could have been a serious narrative, and making fun of things from beginning to end. I gave it "only" an 8, because I did feel some scenes could have used an extra take or two. Not very tight. And not a ten even without that, since I would hardly call this an excellent film. but a very good one? Yes. I enjoyed it very much. Wayne carried the film, and his supporting cast members in other films I can think of have been better, but this one is more than adequate. Maureen O'Hara's character was supposed to be way over the top, but she played it well to comic effect. Wayne's son was acutally very good as well. Several of the Indians I recognized as stock characters from John Ford films, but they certainly learned their craft here, also to comic effect. And the excellent Yvonne de Carlo is well cast here, playing the beautiful alternative and potential competitor to the always stunning Ms. O'Hara.

The critics of this film either do not have a sense of humor, or don't want to see this film for what it is.


I think the critics get that this is a farce. It's just not a very good farce.

Janet! Donkeys!


I enjoyed the heck out of this. I saw it for what it was. Light, not serious. Just fun. :-)


Yvonne DeCarlo is great in McClintock! And Maureen O'Hara really rises above the material. Strother Martin is very good.

There is a lot to like in this movie but it falls flat way too much.

I would probably like if it was 80 or 90 minutes long.

Janet! Donkeys!



Perhaps elsewhere you posted why you think this film does not work as farce, but in that connection I make two points. The first is I don't think other of the critics of this film have made that argument.

The second is I took a minute to go to your homepage, and I can see right off the bat we tend to disagree a good deal in rating films. You gave an incoherent mess like Fellini Satyricon a 10, and two of the greatest films ever, those being Persona and Vertigo, you both gave 6's.

Wow. Chocolate and vanilla indeed.


Well, I also gave high marks to La Strada, 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, The Birds, Shadow of a Doubt, Rebecca, Psycho, Wild Strawberries, The Seventh Seal, Through a Glass Darkly, Smiles of a Summer Night, Sawdust and Tinsel, Yojimbo, Ikiru, Dersu Uzala, The Seven Samurai, The Bad Sleep Well and High and Low.

Do you think any of those are any good?

Janet! Donkeys!


Maureen has done plenty of natural low key acting. Her character is suppose to be over the top. Its not misogynistic movie. People overuse this word when movie doesn't fit their pc views. I'm women and think this movie is funny.


Maureen O'hara is just possibly the WORST actress in cinema history.

You just proved, with that one statement, that you don't know a damn thing about acting.



Has anyone ever called you an F-ing idiot?
You are an F-ing idiot
