Not to cause an argument but this is a really bad movie.
I am 33 years old and grew up with Clash Of The Titans and loved that movie so much as a kid. Despite hearing about Jason and his argonauts all my life I somehow never managed to see it until tonight. I was a little surprised at just how, for lack of a better word, awful this movie is. I recently watched Clash Of The Titans for the first time as an adult who has really come to love movies as an art form and found it to be severely lacking in most of the aspects of movie story telling I find important. I went into Jason and the A's with more or less the same expectations as I found in Clash of the T's. But I would probably have to say that is was quite a bit lower on the scale. I can imagine for it's time it being visually stunning and Mr. Harryhausen once again stuns me with his animations, but the story, while enjoyable, was rather shallow in the manner it was told. I know nothing about the production or what was planned to follow or how much a viewer was supposed to know before hand, but the way the story was moved along was so lacking. It kind of felt like an extended T.V. show from the 60's. And to me, it had a very strong Star Trek feel, which makes me wonder if Gene Roddenberry got some of his inspiration from this movie. At least in production and writing. The acting and dialog were what I would consider horrendous. I am not a huge fan of older movies, I think mainly for this reason. I know it was a different time with a different view, but have movies really evolved that much or does it just mean the the audience's view changes over the years? Will people 50 years from now look back on films of today and groan about how awful they are? Another thing that bothered me a little and makes me kind of curious is how the battles with the harpies and the hydra don't seem to be interactive. I mean that in both fights nobody actually makes contact with the monsters. People are swinging left and right but just don't seem to be able to make contact. I would imagine this has something to do with how the effect was created, but with the skeleton fight they choreographed it so that it appeared the two combatants where actually hitting each other. I wonder why they couldn't do the same thing with the other monsters? After all this I won't say I didn't enjoy the movie. I really wish I would have had the chance to see it as a kid. I think that I would have loved it just as much as I did all the really bad fantasy adventure movies.