I am 60 years old. 40 years ago I worked as a male stripper in Hartford Ct. If it matters, it was for an all female audience. I had a fun time doing what was essentially Tae-Kwon-do based ritualistic karate movements set to popular music while dressed like Johnny Weissmuller in the Tarzan movies. The women were appreciative and the tips were great. I usually made more in 5 hours on Sunday than I did unloading trucks full time the rest of the week.
Some of the women wanted to date me... I was 20 years old and happy to get laid on a regular basis but some of them handed me envelopes at the end of the night. I never asked for money but I never turned it down either.
Member aorouke55 may think that my behavior at the time was disgusting; that is aorouke's prerogative. For my part I think (and thought back then) that sexual adventures like this were far more ethical and moral that what I used to see going on between classmates, whether it be in high school or in college.