Borrowed from PSYCHO?

Does anybody think that the role Louise plays in this movie owes a bit to the role the Janet Leigh character played in PSYCHO? In both cases, we have a female character who is central to the plot and behaving badly getting killed while half the picture still has yet to happen. In both cases we lose a character who we expected to play a cetral role all through the movie, and in both cases it was a woman acting outside the law.


Just tell it like it was. Roger Corman ripped off Psycho. What a putz. Shows you how great Psycho is in terms of being one of the best, if not the best, horror films. It started the slasher genre. This is the kind of low budget movies Corman was known for and he didn't hesitate to steal or borrow from another hit movie as you put it. Coppola was a young writer and director who wanted a break into mainstream movies from soft porn, so he did as he was told.


of course... it was one of many Psycho rip-offs from the 1960s
