Dementia 13 on DVD
Can anyone tell me which of the many DVD versions of "Dementia 13" is the best quality? I watch DVDs on a large screen and image quality is very important.
Both the Dark Image DVD and Roan LD are disappointing.
Can anyone tell me which of the many DVD versions of "Dementia 13" is the best quality? I watch DVDs on a large screen and image quality is very important.
Both the Dark Image DVD and Roan LD are disappointing.
This question's been up for 6 years and still no answer? No one knows which DVD that is currently available is the best?
I have the "Hollywood Classics Collection" DVD and while the quality is acceptable, it's obvious it was sourced from an analog video. I'm surprised a company like Something Weird Video or even Criterion hasn't done a proper transfer of this.
There is a quick video on YouTube of Roger Corman describing why there hasn't been a decent high quality DVD release of Demnetai 13. The lab lost or misplaced the original negative.
shareA transfer from the original negative would've been great, but even a transfer from a 35mm print would satisfy me. Most if not all of what we're seeing on DVD seems to be from 16mm prints transferred to videotape. Surely there must be one decent print left of this somewhere?
shareHopefully someday someone will manage to find a quality print out there somewhere.
I got a copy from the Public Library with the heading 'Hollywood Classics Collection' and it was very clear and sharp. Not perfect, but watchable. The DVD company is Madacy.
shareIf you want to watch it online, there's a good basic copy to view on the site, a great place to find classics like M, etc!
shareFinally found a DVD version with high quality image. The Firecake Movieology Shockfest 2 Disc pack with 5 other titles features first class transfer from a quality 35mm print. One slight qualification, there is a continuous low hum on the soundtrack, but otherwise a joy to watch. The compilation also includes an equally fine print of "Bucket Of Blood".
shareI suppose you know by now it has just been released on blu ray. Mine's on the way.
The focus of real greed lies with unrestrained Government.
i had this on a catcom dvd for years, didn't realise until now it was also a feature in elvira's horror classics dvds, i only had one of those and didn't know there was a series of dvd releases, created for dvd, but the greatest elvira movie releases are the most recent with pop up commentary in the corner. "dementia", isn't that festers match in the addams family values? spoiler, i was surprised, what looked to be the main role in this got killed pretty early on, kind of what happened to the leading actress in "psycho".
shadows all around,
from when you were in town,
theres a barrier to the others i can't get by,
after having you in my life,
i hang by the clock hand we spent many years without you here,
but lately i was so afraid,
you'll leave us by ourselves,
all alone in town,
with rain all around.
dementia 13 is available on DVD from