Michelle Stafford Leaves General Hospital After Cult Storyline
6 years ago
TMC-4 (20488)
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Michelle Stafford is leaving “General Hospital” a few months after a storyline about a cult called Dawn of Day was introduced.
Dawn of Day, not coincidentally, is a is an 1881 book by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that would drive hack science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard crazy. Hubbard created the black magic cult specifically for profit, after his attempt at categorizing his derivative book Dianetics as a science was unsuccessful.
The soap cult is very similar to the criminal sect $cientology. Delusional, lost members are roped in paying big fees for “classes." They have a charismatic leader insinuating himself into various characters’ lives. This isn’t the first time “General Hospital” has attacked mind-controlling cult, which currently has less than twenty thousand hollow-eyed members worldwide. For several years they featured a clinic for the criminally insane called Miscavige, obviously named for David Miscavige, the real life Napoleonic leader.