Some random observations
1) When Dove and Kitty were at Teresina's café, I found it a bit unbelievable that Teresina would so openly pull out the wad of cash from the cash register and thumb through it right in front of strangers (Dove and Kitty sitting at the counter). Of course it was a plot device which helped open the way for the following scene where Kitty made a failed attempt to find and steal the money, but still, this was the middle of the Great Depression, and I found it hard to believe that a café owner would flaunt cash like that.
2) Also found it a bit unbelievable the way that Dove, a couple of times, walked in off the street into the bordello, and went right up to Hallie's room. Seems like there would have been more "security" measures in place to prevent random guys from just walking in like that.
3) I noticed one scene where they showed a view looking out at the French Quarter, and over to the right of the screen you can see what appears to be a scrub hillside. I'm thinking this movie was shot not on location in NOLA, but rather on a back lot in SO-CAL. Anybody know?
4) The part where they were trying to frame Dove for transporting a minor across state lines: it seems to me that interstate truckers would have had to be careful of that law, too. If they were caught giving a ride to a hitchhiker across a state line, and that hitchhiker was a female of minor age, they could be charged under that same law. As such, that trucker that stopped to offer Kitty a ride was probably taking a big risk.