I'm 27, so I'm not sure if I'm still considered too young to appreciate this, but I just got done watching it. This film took me completely by surprise. I thought it would be a straight forward science fiction narrative, so the first half dealing with the beach side resort and the youth gang left me confused, so much so that I thought Netflix had delivered me the wrong film.
The switching of genres, almost like Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", can catch the viewer off guard. The film's tone is depressing and dark, the crisp black and white cinematography adding to feeling of disillusionment. I wouldn't say this is a great film, but would make it high up on a list of bizarre cinematic oddities. I'm sure a repeat viewing would improve my feeling on it, but for now all I can say is that it was one of the more unique cinematic viewings I've had in awhile. Superior production quality also make this stand above other genre films of that period.
I'm a stranger here myself