What would you do if you got stuck in toilet?
Many people talk about Bruno as if he was a psycho monster.
i dont think so.
he showed a shy person how silly and unreasonable their fears are.
i remember 10 years ago i witness the similar situation in a hotel in amsterdam.
it was really cheap hotel in the centre, and one girl got stuck in hotel's sahred john. the owners were some asians who basically had not reception nor they were there for any kind of hotel help. she screamed and banged the door (not violently) - and was set free eventualy.
a little bit later, i had to use it - and i got stuck also. the unlocking was problem, it had some weird mechanic about it, and i got a panicked for a bit - but i didn't shout. i was shy just like that student in this film and i understand his reaction of silence- which for people who don't have social anxiety is not understandable.