This movie is awful....

Seriously. They should be ashamed of themselves. The book is great and one of my favorites so I was psyched to see a movie version, but this......this is just terrible. I cant imagine how anyone who read the book can like this movie. I know that you cant take a book word for word and put it on the screen, but the "changes" they chose to make with this movie are mind boggling. Especially the absurd ending. The movie makers really should have done the book a favour and called it something else.

I sincerly hope someone makes a GOOD movie based on this book cause it really deserves it.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


I actually like this movie. Although the trite ending is a definite cringe-inducer, the special effects are sufficient to the needs of the story and for what is basically a B-picture the acting is quite good, which is rare in the genre. Perhaps it does not fully do justice to John Wyndham's novel, but they had to condense the story into an hour-and-forty-minute film and there just was not room for everything. The story has been remade twice: for British television in 1981 and again in 2009. The 2009 film is three hours long; the first remake was also three hours and was shown as a TV mini-series, and was a lot more faithful to Wyndham's novel.

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol ><


scottsteaux63-735-780576 -

You really are cool ( & not just because of your signature) - thanks for alerting me to the BBC's 1981 version of Triffids - I was too busy studying for my finals & the only TV I watched that year was Brideshead Revisited(!).

And somehow I managed to miss the repeats of the 1981 remake too - I'm a noodlehead.

The 2009 BBC remake got spindled, mutilated & folded by the critics, but it's still one of my guilty pleasures.

And you've done a mitzvah - the 1981 version was directed by a friend's father(z'l) - I lost touch with my friend, so I might pluck up the courage to look him up on Facebook.

Be well.

Shavua tov.


wow, really? ''marsupial'' huh? why don't you crawl back inside your ''pouch'' you fn idiot!!! :/
