MovieChat Forums > The Jetsons (1962) Discussion > The Jetsons (2012) cast

The Jetsons (2012) cast

It's on Imdbpro but if I think its an adaptation of the show I would pick

Steve Carell-George Jetson
Christina Applegate-Jane Jetson

that's all i got so far, maybe that one chick who plays Alice in Tim Burton's Version could be Judy.

Oh God! The Gypsy said it would end this way!



Danny DeVito was born to play Mr. Spacely for sure!


I had actually thought of Carell as Jetson as well and I'm sure EVERYBODY has thought of Danny deVito as Spacely.


Definatley Danny Devito as Spacely

However I think Jim Carrey should play George Jetson

I am the night. I am vengeance. I AM BATMAN!!!


Danny Devito isn't merely the easiest choice, he's the only logical choice, if you don't believe me check out this page:


Jim Carrey-George Jetson
Amy Adams-Jane Jetson
Danny DeVito-Mr. Spacely.

Elroy probably would have to be a unknown kid.

Not sure on Judy.


My original choice for George was Jimmy Fallen, but if not him then maybe Rob Shniter(spelling).
Christina Applegate or Rachel McAdams as Jane.
Probably new commers for the kids.
A clean shaven(face and head)Larry the Cable Guy as Coggswell.
And the whopper and everyone of you may think i am crazy, but; whenever I see Cosmo Spacely on the cartoon I still to this day love watching(@ least the old 60's episodes) one and only person I think of is Sherman Hemsley!!!!No kidding!! YES I KNOW WHAT Y'ALL GOING TO SAY!!! And yes DeVito is the easiest casting choice, But as for myself, Hemsley is the best for Cosmo G. Spaceley. I'm pretty sure it wont happen, but thats only my opinion.


Lindsay Lohan for Judy (if she could stay sober long enough). And I thought Steve Martin was the pick for George Jetson?


You got it all right.


I like Jason Alexander for Cogswell. Not sure who would play Henry.



Dick Van Dyke as Henry


Years ago I thought Rick Moranis would of been a great George Jetson.

If I want Sookie, I can simply take her.



william h. macy as george jetson

susan surandon as jane jetson

danny devito as mr.spacley

jason alexander as mr.cogswell

cuba gooding jr. as mack the robot or rudy


Danny Devito is my first choice for Spacley Sprocket too! He would be perfect! LOL!


Good call on Amy Adams.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.



I'm nominating Rosie O'Donnell for Rosie the Robot.


Kaley Cuoco should be Judy.
