Whose Side Were You On: Carl Reiner's or Mary Tyler Moore's?
If you heard the DVD set commentary from Carl, Dick and Mary you know about the fight that happened on the set during production of Never Bathe on Saturday and can skip to the next paragraph. If not I'll explain thusly: As was the case in most sitcoms, the supporting cast would alternate being the focus of the episode each week. There would be episodes that focused on Sally, Buddy, even Mel and of course Laura. So Carl had been pumping her up for weeks about this episode he's working on in which Laura is focused on (keeping in mind Dick was always central.) But when the episode was read, she realized she's off camera half the time and is doing her lines through a door like a radio show. This bothered her, as she was looking forward to her shining moment and Carl kept raving about how great it was gonna be, as he thought it was for different reasons. So she read the lines very dryly without really performing them during the last big rehearsal before taping and he yelled at her in front of the network execs.
I see both sides to it. Originally I thought she was being childish and spoiled for throwing a tantrum over screen time but then when I heard them each describe their side on the video commentary, I agreed more with her. I think he hyped it up so much that she got excited about this great upcoming Laura centered ep and he didn't tell her until the week of the ep that she's not even on camera for a big chunk of it. The sheer disappointment would be enough to make anyone testy. Then I objected to what HE said he told her as "consolation"-- that it's better having her off screen bc then men can fantasize about her naked. That doesn't make HER feel better, it makes men feel better. It doesn't further her career or help her plight at all. It's also sexual harassment and degrading. I bet in his whole career he never took away a man's screen time in favor of female fantasy. Lastly, personally I would've liked to see her face while delivering those lines. I didn't even like the stylistic choice of having her speak through the door. At the end of the day though, he had a right to choose that method given his status as Director or Producer or whatever his title was. How it was shot was indisputably his prerogative.. What I don't think he had a right to do is hype her up about her shining moment when it wasn't that great FOR HER, sexually harass her by telling her it's "better" for America to picture her naked, and be completely insensitive to her disappointment that he caused by overhyping an episode she only appears in half of.