I own the Optimum release which is full of commentary, interviews, etc. It is Region 2 (England etc.). Came out in 2005 or 2010 or somewhere in there.
I assume you bought an A&E release which has no extras, which is Region 1 (North America basically).
I assume you're in the US/region 1. Most people in the US have Region 1 players since most things are released here and released here first. I have an all region player (Panasonic, bought off Amazon.com) that allows me to play all regions (I have UK discs, Australian discs, etc).
IMDB reports there are 7 seasons to the Avengers. I disagree with that as does the Optimum collection. There are 6 seasons (or series, which word the British use instead of season).
Series 1: B/W with Patrick MacNee and Ian Hendry
Series 2 & 3: B/W with Patrick MacNee and Honor Blackman
Series 4: B/W with Patrick MacNee and Diane Rigg
Series 5: Color with Patrick MacNee and diane Rigg
Series 6: Color with Patrick MacNee and Linda Thorson
I highly recommend the Optimum releasing, if you can find a way to play it (comuter, all region DVD, etc.). It even has commentary on the very first Avenger episode (one of the surviving Ian Hendry episode). These comments are from those that worked on Avengers--and some admit they're old (in their '70s and '80s?).
For some reason I could not get them from Amazon.co.uk but I did get them from ebay.co.uk.
Probably too much, but hope this answers your queston.